Which would you go with?


Oct 3, 2016
Hey guys, after some research in my area (Ottawa, Canada) and the decision to become a PC gamer and leave my console days behind me, I've narrowed my choice of gamings rigs down to two. I am new the the industry and while I initially thought about purchasing and building my own PC, I figure the best way to start is to buy an already used build and go from there. Alongside this I did not want to spend over 800$ on a first setup.

What are your guys thoughts and opinions on these two rigs? Which would you choose? and why?

Windows 10 pro
Gpu: Gtx 970 strix oc
Cpu: Fx 8350 black edition
Ram: 8gb
Mob: asus republic of gamers
Hdd:500 gb
Psu: corsair gold tx 750
Thermaltake case
Vr ready

Intel Core i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz
16gb DDR3 ram
Z87-K Intel A1150 Asus ATX Motherboard
120GB Solid State Drive
Geforce GTX 660 2GB GDDR5
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO Direct Heat Pipe CPU Cooler
Cooler Master Stryker Case
EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 750 G80 Plus Gold Power Supply
800$, but would also come with an Acer 24inch LCD 1920x1080 screen, kensington keyboard and logitech mouse.

The reality is that I have little knowledge of PC's and plan to learn moving forward from this system.

I'm not sure if you've been to this site yet, but it may be of great help for you with helping your build as they have multiple user build machines posted on there; as well as a building guide:


I believe they include Canadian resellers as well. It's the guide I use when I build for friends. :)

Do you mind telling me why they aren't very good? Should I counter offer a lower price?
The first build comes with an old weak cpu, and an old(but good) psu.

The second build comes with an old weak gpu and a subpar psu.

The second build is far easier to upgrade though and is more capable.

I don't like either option though.
your best bet is to read a few guides and build your own, it really isn't that hard and the community on here will be able you every step of the way, by doing it yourself you will get what you want and not have to compromise too much hopefully.

does that $800 include a monitor and peripherals? or do you already have them?

If I were to build my own, my aim goal would be around 700$, and then purchase the rest afterwards. I do not own any of the other pieces.

Yeah exactly. Looking at threads and watching reviews etc., it seems like the general price range for a medium to high gaming experience. Is that a fair assumption?
I'm not sure if you've been to this site yet, but it may be of great help for you with helping your build as they have multiple user build machines posted on there; as well as a building guide:


I believe they include Canadian resellers as well. It's the guide I use when I build for friends. :)