My results:
Paul: 98%
Romney: 94%
Gary Johnson: 88%
Virgil Goode: 72%
Barack Obama: 20%, and no major issues of agreement
Rocky Andersen: 7%
Jill Stein: 6%
US voters: 44%
jsc :
I always thought we could do better than Romney, and yet ...
Romney is a center-right candidate. He is from Massachusetts, hardly a hotbed of conservatism. Most of us wanted somebody more like Scott Walker who had the guts to stand up to the entrenched bureaucracy and say enough is enough, be willing to make necessary changes despite the year-long AFSCME and SEIU-funded darn-near-a-riot protest and failed recall attempt. Romney probably does have many of the same beliefs as Walker which is why this survey says that we agree so much with him. But he has Romneycare as his baggage and seems to lack the guts to really cut the crap out like Walker, which is why I suspect we are not as enthusiastic about him as the survey leads us to believe.
dogman_1234 :
I guess we are all libertarians?
Reynod, musical_marv and Pyree certainly aren't. There are four main categories of political thought, and most people fall into two of them- libertarian and statist.
1. Fiscally conservative, socially liberal, aka libertarian. Believes the government should have as little interference with personal freedom as possible. This is an intellectually congruent ideology since there is one main underlying principle- more freedom- and many people ascribe to this belief system. The Libertarian Party is the obvious choice of this group but there is a major rift in the Republican party where many Republicans are libertarian such as Ron Paul.
2. Fiscally conservative, socially conservative. This is the religious right, where the government shouldn't interfere with economic issues but should enforce morality laws. This used to be the purview of the Republican Party but the current Republican Party is split between this and libertarianism and as time as progressed and the church has lost much of its influence.
3. Fiscally liberal, socially liberal. This is more of the view of the current Green Party and was stereotypically the view of the 1960s "New Democrats." People who ascribe to this want a big government to ensure economic "fairness" by seizing and redistributing money but don't want the government to interfere in their pleasurable activities.
4. Fiscally liberal, socially conservative- aka statist. The state is the ultimate authority and is best equipped to tell people how to manage their lives and their money. This is also an intellectually congruent ideology as there is one underlying principle- government knows best- and many people ascribe to this belief system. This ideology is generally espoused by many of the current Democrats.