Who do you side with? Take the Presidential Election Quiz!

All the losers you side with I guess.
My results:

Paul: 98%
Romney: 94%
Gary Johnson: 88%
Virgil Goode: 72%
Barack Obama: 20%, and no major issues of agreement
Rocky Andersen: 7%
Jill Stein: 6%
US voters: 44%

Romney is a center-right candidate. He is from Massachusetts, hardly a hotbed of conservatism. Most of us wanted somebody more like Scott Walker who had the guts to stand up to the entrenched bureaucracy and say enough is enough, be willing to make necessary changes despite the year-long AFSCME and SEIU-funded darn-near-a-riot protest and failed recall attempt. Romney probably does have many of the same beliefs as Walker which is why this survey says that we agree so much with him. But he has Romneycare as his baggage and seems to lack the guts to really cut the crap out like Walker, which is why I suspect we are not as enthusiastic about him as the survey leads us to believe.

Reynod, musical_marv and Pyree certainly aren't. There are four main categories of political thought, and most people fall into two of them- libertarian and statist.

1. Fiscally conservative, socially liberal, aka libertarian. Believes the government should have as little interference with personal freedom as possible. This is an intellectually congruent ideology since there is one main underlying principle- more freedom- and many people ascribe to this belief system. The Libertarian Party is the obvious choice of this group but there is a major rift in the Republican party where many Republicans are libertarian such as Ron Paul.

2. Fiscally conservative, socially conservative. This is the religious right, where the government shouldn't interfere with economic issues but should enforce morality laws. This used to be the purview of the Republican Party but the current Republican Party is split between this and libertarianism and as time as progressed and the church has lost much of its influence.

3. Fiscally liberal, socially liberal. This is more of the view of the current Green Party and was stereotypically the view of the 1960s "New Democrats." People who ascribe to this want a big government to ensure economic "fairness" by seizing and redistributing money but don't want the government to interfere in their pleasurable activities.

4. Fiscally liberal, socially conservative- aka statist. The state is the ultimate authority and is best equipped to tell people how to manage their lives and their money. This is also an intellectually congruent ideology as there is one underlying principle- government knows best- and many people ascribe to this belief system. This ideology is generally espoused by many of the current Democrats.
Due to senseless wars and Wall Street and Banks and all the other crooked things that we are in trouble for. Power and Greed and Money that is the cancer we are confronted with now.

The country is really in trouble because the traditional individualist, entrepreneur work ethic has largely been replaced by an entitlement mentality in many of the citizens. The people have abdicated the reins of this country to the government to set up the entitlement state, starting with the Woodrow Wilson administration, expanding mightily with FDR and expanding pretty much ever since.. The government has very predictably been constantly seeking to expand its scope and power after that. So, you get a bunch of people who want to have absolutely no responsibility whatsoever and a government that is extremely willing and increasingly able to control anything and everything- it's a toxic combination.

I think you have it partially right that power and greed and money are a cancer- but the cancer is primarily growing in the government, not in the general populace. The founders knew that power corrupts and tried to prevent the government from becoming too powerful, lest it become corrupt and tyrannical. Much of the crap you refer to happening on Wall Street and the banks are a result of a powerful corrupt government giving certain group/companies legal favors in return for what are essentially bribes. Look at Barney Frank on the banking committee getting a bunch of campaign money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and subsequently declaring they were A-OK, just before the whole subprime bubble burst. And do we throw him in the clink for corruption? Nope. We re-elect him :fou:
My guess is Marv, that you took the quiz and it came up that you actually side with Republicans! What other reason would call a faceless group of people "losers" unless you just want to be a jacka$s.

Your progressive rhetoric is just shameless...

Yeah okay Marv, and the additional $6Trillion in debt, business choking regulations, poor fiscal policy, not passing a federal budget in over 3 years, and the false green energy market have all been winners and middle class America is better off than before Obama took office. NOT!

C'mon Marv, man up, put on your big-boy pants, take the quiz, and post you results!
You miserable Republicans never fail to mention the war W got us into in Iraq wasting trillions of dollars on nothing and losing lives als😵h yes Cheney made millions on it also. You give two shits less about the Middle Class and Poor and Seniors only caring for your rich greedy friends who are Bankers, Elitists, and Oil Corporations.Obama tried to pass a budget but the no republicans knocked it down as usual. Stop playing goody two shoes and face up to it you care only about the Rich!

What about the wars in Afghanistan and Libya that Obama has/had us in? He is a war mongrel himself yet he preached "Change". Obama is going to cut medicare if he is reelected (in healthcare law) and he was donated the most money from Wall Street than any other presidential candidate in history. So we know he doesn't really care about seniors and he is in the bed with Wall Street that is for sure. And Obama who in the second term will raise taxes on those making 250k or more (the "elitist" small business owners mostly) will strangle the economy and jobs even more. As for oil we know that Obama loves those middle eastern oil companies.
Oh republicans only care about the rich. Have not heard that one before. Go away from liberal talking points for once and bring up some substantial facts.

Back on topic:
I love looking at the liberal states and seeing that the economy is somewhat important to them- http://www.isidewith.com/results/9333303

Is it fair to say the liberals only care about non issues thrown at them by the media like gay marriage, birth control, racism, etc.??? I think it is.
I hold a liberal view somewhat. Does that mean the economy does not matter to me then? Am I wrong for thinking the way I do? Am I inherently wrong on all issues?

Sames goes for my conservative views? Same questions.

Independent in mind, spirit, and body.

He has already raised taxes on that group in the Obamacare law. He raised the general income tax rate by 3.2% on people earning $200k or more (couples making more than $250k) in that legislation. There are also a bunch of other excise taxes in that legislation on pretty much anything remotely healthcare related. Of course those will be passed on to all of us...
Blah, blah, blah...your continued liberal talking points really have gotten old and tired... 😴 😴 😴

Just take take the quiz and post your results Marv!
I, personally, will realize a reduction of annual net income in the $2300-$2700 range if/when the Bush tax rates expire. That equates to anywhere from $88-$103 less income per month. That money represents a noticeable change in me and my family's lifestyle. I can not afford another 4 years of an Obama Administration.


No Dogman, many liberal democrats in states like California follow non issues (thrown at them by the media) more closely than the economy. I live in California and know this is true.
You took it too personally Dogman. I know most people contributing to this forum know about the dire situation of our economy. It is a disgrace to see the state with the biggest economy in our country thinks this way.