Who do you side with? Take the Presidential Election Quiz!

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Adding the Obamacare tax increases on top of that, the top federal income bracket becomes 42.8%. Adding Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. to that as well as your state and local taxes pushes that to the mid-50s. Effective tax rates on the entire income (due to alternative minimum) when all of the other income/payroll taxes are added in will be pretty darned close to half of your income at that level. Lovely, the government gets just as much of your paycheck as you do. If you are like me and pay usurious student loan rates because the government nationalized student loans and jacked the interest to the moon, it's more like 2/3-3/4 of your income. Yup, work 60-80 hours, get paid for 15-20. That's sure "Change I Can Believe In." :pfff:

You are telling me racism, and birth control are not important who are you kidding! Racism is almost number one in this election with your great republican party. Voter ID Closing polling booths hours before people can vote and surpassing the minority and senior votes so the Republicans have a better chance of winning. Gimme a break!

I am not saying that they are not real issues I am saying when compared to our economy they are nothing.

Here is a article for you- http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/texas-tells-court-its-voter-id-law-does-not-discriminate/2012/07/13/gJQAvXopiW_story.html
Tatel added that the record showed that minorities in Texas are more likely than whites not to have cars and to live up to 120 miles away from the closest place to get voter ID documents.

The DOJ saying that minorities have a tougher time getting ID's is just plain false. Not to mention making it a race issue when there is obvious voter fraud going on every election with millions of dead people voting- http://www.chicagonow.com/dennis-byrnes-barbershop/2012/02/about-1-8-million-dead-people-listed-as-active-voters/ and 2.8 million voters registered in more than one state.

And this story is just ridiculous- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/04/08/DC-Polling-Place-Holder-Ballot . It baffles me that Holder does not see the problem.

Voter ID Closing polling booths hours before people can vote and surpassing the minority and senior votes so the Republicans have a better chance of winning. Gimme a break!
---> Quite a conspiracy theory you have there. So they close just late enough so democrats can't vote and just early enough for all the republicans to vote. Do you know what you are even saying???

You must live in a different country than I do if you think that racism is the #1 issue in the election. The top issues in the election are the economy, unemployment, the budget deficit, and healthcare. Minor issues are immigration, energy policy, and our foreign policy with the Middle East. The Democrats have been using the race card throughout Obama's presidency to attempt to silence people critical of his views. They have been claiming "racism" so frequently and in so many cases which are clearly NOT about race at all that much of the public now ignores the Democrats' false claims of racism against opponents of the administration.

Now I will absolutely agree there is a significant amount of racism in the country, and it is not only legal, it and has the highest level of Supreme Court precedent of "compelling interest of the state" behind it. What do you think affirmative action is other than legalized discrimination against people of Caucasian, Middle Eastern, and Asian ancestry? Our government even *encourages* this racist behavior.

Voter ID Closing polling booths hours before people can vote and surpassing the minority and senior votes so the Republicans have a better chance of winning. Gimme a break!

Give me a break, this is a non-issue. You are legally allowed to go vote on voting day and nobody can stop you. You can't even be arrested by the police if you are on your way to the polls. The demographics of who votes also flies in the face of your accusations as well- seniors vote in disproportionately HIGH numbers for crying out loud.

I would love to see Tatel's "study." Minorities are much more likely to be found in large urban areas with close proximity to government ID offices than Caucasians are. At least that's what the 2010 Census that we spent billions of dollars in taking showed us. I bet he included a bunch of foreign nationals (legal or illegal) in his study. Duh, if you don't live in the U.S. there are not going to be U.S. ID offices nearby and it is going to take a long time to get to one! Plus those people are not supposed to legally vote anyway so it's a moot point, but makes for a great-sounding "study" to "prove" that the big bad evil Republicans are trying to put an onerous burden on non-WASPs.

The DOJ saying that minorities have a tougher time getting ID's is just plain false. Not to mention making it a race issue when there is obvious voter fraud going on every election with millions of dead people voting- http://www.chicagonow.com/dennis-byrnes-barbershop/2012/02/about-1-8-million-dead-people-listed-as-active-voters/ and 2.8 million voters registered in more than one state.

And this story is just ridiculous- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/04/08/DC-Polling-Place-Holder-Ballot . It baffles me that Holder does not see the problem.

Voter ID Closing polling booths hours before people can vote and surpassing the minority and senior votes so the Republicans have a better chance of winning. Gimme a break! Quite a conspiracy theory you have there. So they close just late enough so democrats can't vote and just early enough for all the republicans to vote. Do you know what you are even saying???

The whole reason that the Democrats want to not have voter ID laws is because the vote fraud benefits them. The country is fairly closely divided between conservative and ANY advantage either side can get is a big benefit. It is estimated that only around 500k people in the country will decide the entire election. About 45% of the voters overall are solid Democrats and 45% are solid Republicans. Nobody cares about undecided voters in stronghold states like Wyoming or New York. It's just getting 50% + one vote of the undecided 10% in a handful of swing states. It doesn't take a bunch of fake votes in the correct places to sway an election.

Vote fraud is a favorite of the Democrats since urban areas are Democrat strongholds. They have lots of people in a single place and it is much easier to have vote fraud both be undetected and add a lot of votes for that candidate. You can easily add 100k fraudulent Democrat votes in a city of 5 million people as it is probably only 5-10% of the Democrat ballots cast, and you only have to fudge with votes at a few precincts. The Republicans cannot do that as having a Republican win an isolated large city precinct which is historically heavily Democrat arouses a bunch of suspicion. However having the Democrat win by 1M votes instead of 900k votes arouses no suspicion. Adding 100k fake votes in rural Republican strongholds is much harder as you have to do that at a bunch of precicts unless you want it to be obvious. Having 17,000 Republican votes in a precinct with 1000 registered voters is awfully suspicious. Having 100 precincts in on the fraud deal means a lot of people know about it and any one of them can leak to the press and blow the thing wide open. Thus the Democrats want to perpetuate the vote fraud as it helps them and the Republicans want to stop it as it hurts them.
Your narrow world view and close minded thinking is part and parcel to the sad state of modern American society and of our economy.

I could give a laundry list of issues that are FAR MORE important (but MU_Engineer already did) that free birth control and the self-perpetuating progressive race/class warfare narrative; but I know you are too far gone as a to let go of the failed progressive ideologies.

Did you know in order to get into the Democratic National Convention next week, each attendant/delegate will be required to show photo identification? So, if Democrat party supporters need ID to enter the convention, then ironically, by your own logic, the Democrats are also racist and against senior citizens.

Sorry Marv, but the progressive righteous indignation is getting old, real Americans are tired of the hateful rhetoric and false promises from Democrats.

Are you serious..
What vision does Romney have to lead this country out of this mess you say we are in?
I don't say we are this mess; the poor economy says we are in this mess, the rising national debt says we are in this mess, the unemployment rate says we are in this mess, the number of businesses relocating overseas due to Obama's fiscal policy says we are in this mess...should I go on? If you are brave enough and want an unbiased take on the mess we are in, watch RT TV, watch the BBC News from England (not BBC America!) and read the news articles coming out of Europe about the American economy.

If you have to ask what Romney's vision is to lead this country, it is obvious that you have not been watching the Republican National Convention, did not listen to Chris Christie's keynote speech, did not listen to Paul Ryan, did not listen to Rand Paul, did not listen to Condoleeza Rice, and have not been paying attention to what Romney has been saying in his interviews and campaign speeches.

Tune into the RNC tonight Marv, you can listen and see for yourself what Romney's vision is as he is giving his acceptance speech. If you can't handle watching the Fox News or Fox Business News channels, then at least watch CNN. But please, avoid watching MSNBC as there bias will not give you the full view of the convention, as proven Tuesday night when they turned the camera's away from any minority giving a speech at the RNC and put the cameras on their talking heads who then complained about the lack of diversity at the RNC; hyposcrisy.


I thought Rand Paul was spectacular. He outlined specific things that Republicans MUST compromise on and what they needed to defend for the economy to start growing at good levels again.
On MSNBC, when Mitt Romney walked up after his wife's speech he said (paraphrasing) "look at how robotic he looks walking up there". What analysis on that channel. It never ceases to amaze me.