Who here uses 'Bookup' ?



Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

How do you like it?

I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer.

I need feedback pretty quick..

Thanks all!



Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 00:59:18 GMT, John J. wrote:

> How do you like it?
> I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer.
> I need feedback pretty quick..
> Thanks all!
> John

Bookup has been around for years and id highly stable.
Bookup has way more functionality at this point.
I believe the CPT requires installation of Microsoft's .NET framwork to
operate.There are many books on disk and game collections already in Bookup
I suggest trying the free or limited version. I'm sure you could upgrade
from one of these to the Pro version when you want. My thoughts...
Chet Marino


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"John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> How do you like it?
> I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer.
> I need feedback pretty quick..
> Thanks all!
> John

Hey John,

You could download the free versions of both programs. The editing features
in Bookup will only work for 30 days for free though.

The programmers of both programs also answer questions here, although I'll
be somewhat out of touch for the next two weeks at seminars.

Mike Leahy
"The Database Man!"


Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

I have.

So far it seems that CPT has a much superior interface and Bookup has some
features that I deem essential like being able to automatically select from
a series of moves to play against me in training. It's also faster.

Trying to get folks to post their experiences with training software around
here is like pulling teeth!

"Mike Leahy" <mikeleahynospam@bookuppro.com> wrote in message
> "John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:GL7ne.53312$VH2.47519@tornado.tampabay.rr.com...
>> How do you like it?
>> I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer.
>> I need feedback pretty quick..
>> Thanks all!
>> John
> Hey John,
> You could download the free versions of both programs. The editing
> features
> in Bookup will only work for 30 days for free though.
> The programmers of both programs also answer questions here, although I'll
> be somewhat out of touch for the next two weeks at seminars.
> Mike Leahy
> "The Database Man!"
> www.bookup.com


Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

"John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> How do you like it?
> I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer.
> I need feedback pretty quick..
> Thanks all!
> John

Hi John,

I suggest to give use some info about what kind of features you are looking



Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)


I'm I correct in saying that once I have some of my openings programmed into
CPT I must manually select the moves that I will train against? In other
words, CPT will always play the same moves in training unless I change them.
It has no provision for random play from a variety of acceptable moves?

"Stefan Renzewitz" <Amarok@netcologne.de> wrote in message
> "John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:GL7ne.53312$VH2.47519@tornado.tampabay.rr.com...
>> How do you like it?
>> I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer.
>> I need feedback pretty quick..
>> Thanks all!
>> John
> Hi John,
> I suggest to give use some info about what kind of features you are
> looking for.
> Stefan


Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

"John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>I have.
> So far it seems that CPT has a much superior interface and Bookup has some
> features that I deem essential like being able to automatically select
> from a series of moves to play against me in training.

Hi John, but you can do that with CPT?! The training center gives you one
million of different ways to train your material. Just playing a specific
line or based on your training scores or ... playing for opposite color only
moves with a positive assessment or any or ... What exactly do you want CPT
to do in training mode?



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I just want to be able to train on my openings.

Your software will only select the top Candidate move unless I change it.
That means that in an opening with many variations I must manually select
which of the good candidate moves will be played against me in training

"Stefan Renzewitz" <Amarok@netcologne.de> wrote in message
> "John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:pYpne.89367$w15.69844@tornado.tampabay.rr.com...
>>I have.
>> So far it seems that CPT has a much superior interface and Bookup has
>> some features that I deem essential like being able to automatically
>> select from a series of moves to play against me in training.
> Hi John, but you can do that with CPT?! The training center gives you one
> million of different ways to train your material. Just playing a specific
> line or based on your training scores or ... playing for opposite color
> only moves with a positive assessment or any or ... What exactly do you
> want CPT to do in training mode?
> Stefan


Aug 25, 2003
Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

>Your software will only select the top Candidate move unless I change it.
>That means that in an opening with many variations I must manually select
>which of the good candidate moves will be played against me in training
Wrong. CPT will play all opponent's candidate moves against you, if
you wish so.



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If that's true then I will use CPT. I just need to figure out how to do



"John" <q@q.com> wrote in message news:429ebe16.855078@news.wanadoo.nl...
> >Your software will only select the top Candidate move unless I change it.
>>That means that in an opening with many variations I must manually select
>>which of the good candidate moves will be played against me in training
> Wrong. CPT will play all opponent's candidate moves against you, if
> you wish so.
> John.


Archived from groups: rec.games.chess.computer (More info?)

"John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Stefan:
> I'm I correct in saying that once I have some of my openings programmed
> into CPT I must manually select the moves that I will train against? In
> other words, CPT will always play the same moves in training unless I
> change them. It has no provision for random play from a variety of
> acceptable moves?
> John


not really. CPT offers you more freedom for this scenario than any other
software. So far it would only accept YOUR top ranked move, but would play
any move for the opposite color (not only the top-ranked move). With the
latest beta you have even more options here and can choose for your and the
opposite color one of the following options:
- only accept top ranked move
- only accept best move (in this case you have to manually set which moves
are "best" beside the top ranked move)
- accept all moves with a non-negative assessment (no assessment, !, !!, !?)

Based on this it is picking the variatios in which CPT wants to train. Thus
you can focus only on the main lines or let CPT play the opposite color only
good moves and skip all blunders for thte moment or ...

However, I'm not sure if you are aware of the strongest part of the training
center: CPT will save for each position it trained you in whether you knew
the correct move or not (correct defined by the defintion above). Then it
will automatically focus on those positions and variations with your worst
training scores and thus you will learn your repertoire evenly. It is saving
your last 10 attempts. This leads to a position score from 0%-100% and
ultimately a repertoire score of 0%-100%.

I'm pretty sure CPT has even more training options than you have right now
in mind. Bookup has a better storage system than CPT has, but there is a
reason why even Bookup Pro users use CPT for training there repertoire.



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Thanks for your reply. I thnk I understand better now. I'm still having
difficulty understanding how to set up CPT for my white and black
repertoir...I guess I have to read the manual once again..

"Stefan Renzewitz" <Amarok@netcologne.de> wrote in message
> "John J." <detectorist@hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:i6qne.89368$w15.17340@tornado.tampabay.rr.com...
>> Stefan:
>> I'm I correct in saying that once I have some of my openings programmed
>> into CPT I must manually select the moves that I will train against? In
>> other words, CPT will always play the same moves in training unless I
>> change them. It has no provision for random play from a variety of
>> acceptable moves?
>> John
> John,
> not really. CPT offers you more freedom for this scenario than any other
> software. So far it would only accept YOUR top ranked move, but would play
> any move for the opposite color (not only the top-ranked move). With the
> latest beta you have even more options here and can choose for your and
> the opposite color one of the following options:
> - only accept top ranked move
> - only accept best move (in this case you have to manually set which moves
> are "best" beside the top ranked move)
> - accept all moves with a non-negative assessment (no assessment, !, !!,
> !?)
> Based on this it is picking the variatios in which CPT wants to train.
> Thus you can focus only on the main lines or let CPT play the opposite
> color only good moves and skip all blunders for thte moment or ...
> However, I'm not sure if you are aware of the strongest part of the
> training center: CPT will save for each position it trained you in whether
> you knew the correct move or not (correct defined by the defintion above).
> Then it will automatically focus on those positions and variations with
> your worst training scores and thus you will learn your repertoire evenly.
> It is saving your last 10 attempts. This leads to a position score from
> 0%-100% and ultimately a repertoire score of 0%-100%.
> I'm pretty sure CPT has even more training options than you have right now
> in mind. Bookup has a better storage system than CPT has, but there is a
> reason why even Bookup Pro users use CPT for training there repertoire.
> Stefan