Who is George Obama?


Here is a quote even oldmangamer should identify with " Mr Obama refuses to criticise his half-sibling. "I'm a member of his family, but I'm over-age, so I help myself," he responds.

A republican should respect that view ... isn't that "each for his own" the benchmark for them?

Are republicans now trying the social welfare angle on the democrats?

That would fail miserably as we all know ... a republican president would mean 2 million more homeless on the streets as they don't have any social welfare policy.

dog eat dog ...
I think the decent thing here is, you help others, usually family first, with your arm, back or wallet.
Ask the presidents aunt, as she also has no health care, no social seciurity and sometimes sells coal to make a buck.
If people perceive this individualism means this from republicans, no wonder they are worried.
This isnt what republicans want, and it shouldnt happen.
But, theres currently not a republican president either.
Why do you care? Getting the economy back to it's strength is most essential not this other stupidity.
I just find that if someone who goes around telling me its my moral responsibility to others, using my money, to give it to to others has this going on in his immediate family as being spot on.

The desires of this man will effect the economy in huge ways, as it already has done, as we see 2 trillion dollars sitting uncommitted towards our economy, as the presidents actions will effect that money directly.