[citation][nom]JPForums[/nom]Chris Angelini,It has already been mentioned (even by you), but I feel it needs to be reiterated.A 780G based board would have been much better for this comparison.(It would be even better to have both the 740G and the 780G)You can't really get a feel for the benefits of quad core if your hardware, admittedly, is bottlenecking it, but not the dual core.Then there is the issue of the graphics performance.If the graphics and/or video decode performance is important to you, then the ~$15 difference for the upgrade that will do it should be assumed. (Especially when comparing to a platform that you claim costs ~$110 more)If you really wanted to answer the question of whether or not you should go with a quad core processor you should've done two things.1) Use an AMD board that doesn't bottleneck one or the other processor.2) Add a low end Intel quad core to the mix.You'll likely still come to the same conclusion that the extra money for a quad core in a cheaper system like this is currently better spent on the graphics card, but you'll have data to back it up. You'll also have a better idea of what quad cores really bring to the table.You constantly comment on how a 780G/790GX would show much better results. You also mention that a 780G only cost ~$15 more. Finally, after all of the testing, you conclude that you should disregard the article completely and you get a board based on a chipset that you mentioned, but didn't bother to test. I have to conclude that you know what you should be doing, but for some reason (Upper management, agenda, lack of time, laziness, money or lack there of, etc.) you don't do it. I encourage readers to do the same as you did. Disregard this article in its entirety and use previous knowledge to make your decisions.If you don't find an article useful, why should we? Consider this the next time you decide to print an article that gives little or no relevant information to the reader. A few simple changes and/or additions would have made this article worth reading. I realize it takes more time, but I'm much more satisfied with an article that is late, but well thought out, than one that even the author doesn't feel is pertinent to his buying decisions.[/citation]
JP--thanks for the feedback. In fact, I was interested by the results, which is why I wrote it up into a story. Suspecting the same thing (740G bottlenecking the processor), I did run tests in this piece with the Phenom on a 780G and--surprise--same result. The goal here was to introduce some new hardware (740G/G45)--not with the intention of declaring one better than the other (after all, they represent two different price points)--but to explore dual- vs. quad-core performance using platforms that each respective company is talking about.
JP--thanks for the feedback. In fact, I was interested by the results, which is why I wrote it up into a story. Suspecting the same thing (740G bottlenecking the processor), I did run tests in this piece with the Phenom on a 780G and--surprise--same result. The goal here was to introduce some new hardware (740G/G45)--not with the intention of declaring one better than the other (after all, they represent two different price points)--but to explore dual- vs. quad-core performance using platforms that each respective company is talking about.