Who sells new Jamma Ms Pac or Galaga boards - not multiple..

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Who sells Jamma boards that play one game either Ms Pac or Galaga.?

E-mail Pinball at aol dot com

I do not want 9 in one or 39 in 1 boards.
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace (More info?)

Coinopwarehouse sells them, but they have a $250 min order and shipping
from Asia is expensive. I have one from them, $150 shipped if

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This guy did, so I assume he still does. Good prices too, from what I

electronicamuse at aol.com
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What overeas company sells the 9 in 1 boards?

Raven wrote:
> This guy did, so I assume he still does. Good prices too, from what I
> remember.
> electronicamuse at aol.com
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Email me too please!
Although I would also be interested in multiples as well.


Tabby238 at Hotmail.com
<Pinball@aol.com> wrote in message
> Who sells Jamma boards that play one game either Ms Pac or Galaga.?
> E-mail Pinball at aol dot com
> I do not want 9 in one or 39 in 1 boards.
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i got a jamma ms pac board (with a clay multipac kit) from this guy...
kenics at core d0t com

he might have some jamma ms pacs. havent spoke to him since i got mine.. i
think they were about $85 or something a couple months ago.


<bigwatson@aol.com> wrote in message
> What overeas company sells the 9 in 1 boards?
> Raven wrote:
> > This guy did, so I assume he still does. Good prices too, from what I
> > remember.
> >
> > electronicamuse at aol.com
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Please don't think or say that Coinopwarehouse sells anything that is a
bootleg or illegal copy, because I don't and won't. I think you have
your names mixed up. The copy boards and the 9 and 39 in ones have
been extremely bad for this hobby, not to mention that it involves
theft of intellectual property which I do not condone or approve of.
Lloyd from www.coinopwarehouse.com
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I know this is just semantics here but bad for the hobby.. or bad for
For the hobbyist, these boards aren't bad at all.. and if they could work
out issues with copyright holders.. maybe making these multiboards ONLY
operate on freeplay while keeping the cost where it is now (or less if
bigger companies get behind manurfaturing of them) I could imagine them also
being good for business.

guns don't kill people.. people...
to me.. not much difference here...

an operator buys a bootleg board and puts it on his route... makes big money
off it.. that's a problem.

a married guy with 2.5 kids and a house payment wants a machine in his den
that his buddies can come over and play when they're over for football
spends $375 on a multiboard and gets nothing but enjoyment out of it.
doesn't sound like the tyrrany of men to me.

i think if the money hungry would get off their balance sheets and think
about where they could actually make some money on board and parts sales...
they might actually have a reason NOT to bitch about people stealing 20 yr
old game code.

just my opinion.. not a rant against you lloyd.. i'm just saying.. i just
want to play some games damnit.


"Coinopwarehouse" <lloyd@coinopwarehouse.com> wrote in message
> Please don't think or say that Coinopwarehouse sells anything that is a
> bootleg or illegal copy, because I don't and won't. I think you have
> your names mixed up. The copy boards and the 9 and 39 in ones have
> been extremely bad for this hobby, not to mention that it involves
> theft of intellectual property which I do not condone or approve of.
> Lloyd from www.coinopwarehouse.com
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace (More info?)

Manufacturers make a lot more money off home game sales than to
operators - look at Nintendo, Atari, etc. Video games are a very small
percentage of my business, but I think people who have to steal
something from others to make a living are in the wrong business.
When videos are soft I just do something else. Illegal boards
are bad for the hobby - I have taken at least 100 video arcade games to
the dump in the last few months as there is no demand so there is no
use storing them. I don't care about the money - I make plenty doing
other things, but why condone outright theft?
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not condoning it in so much as saying.. if there's demand for a bootleg
board.. why wouldn't a manufacturer come down to meet that demand?
i'm not in anyway trying to point the finger at you, how you make money, or
your business.. but when you say somethign like you've taken at least 100
video arcade games to the dump... i'm not sure but i didn't see any of those
100 machines offered here for free. i'd assume it costs more to transport
and dump them then to give them away to people who might use them or
otherwise part them out to help the hobby.

you do what you want with your stuff but throwing 100 games away in the last
few months sounds more like the people who say.. i'd rather throw it away
then give it away. just never understood that. especially not in a a hobby
where people can reuse almost any part of anything that's available.

(more 2 cents)

"Coinopwarehouse" <lloyd@coinopwarehouse.com> wrote in message
> Manufacturers make a lot more money off home game sales than to
> operators - look at Nintendo, Atari, etc. Video games are a very small
> percentage of my business, but I think people who have to steal
> something from others to make a living are in the wrong business.
> When videos are soft I just do something else. Illegal boards
> are bad for the hobby - I have taken at least 100 video arcade games to
> the dump in the last few months as there is no demand so there is no
> use storing them. I don't care about the money - I make plenty doing
> other things, but why condone outright theft?
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coinopexpress.com was probably what roland meant...i can get those
jamma mspacs if anyone is interested...thanks
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Coinopwarehouse wrote:
> I have taken at least 100 video arcade games to
> the dump in the last few months as there is no demand so there is no
> use storing them.

Noooo! I wish I knew which dump...I'd be all over that, Lloyd. You
know I'm always looking for something cheap to work on. You ought to
put up a notice on here next time you have a load ready to go to the
dump like some of those guys in Philly do. I'm sure they'd disappear
in a few days if you let us know when they'd be outside and ready to
go. Maybe even a $25 per cabinet sale...anything but the dump!

To the original poster: Why not just get an original board? If you're
only looking for one game, find that original board. Most of the old
electrinics aren't too terrible to fix, and even if you can't (like me
in most cases) there are throngs of people here and in the business
that would be willing to help you get the old PCBs up and running.

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roland.daggett@gmail.com wrote:
> Coinopwarehouse sells them, but they have a $250 min order and shipping
> from Asia is expensive. I have one from them, $150 shipped if
> interested.
> Thanks,
> Kris
Did ou sell this yet?
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Can't believe you dumped "at least 100 video arcade games", Lloyd.

Especially when other people and business' offer them for free.

I think that I am disappointed in you. And probably a lot of other
people are also.

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I think many of us would have done the same thing.. you put free stuff up
for grabs and there's always the deadbeat people that say they're coming to
get it and then never show up. Sure, there are plenty of people who would
follow up on it but the deadbeats are the worst. I offer stuff up for free
within a time frame, like in a week it's going to the dump. If I find some
spare time during that week and I want to go to the dump I do. The
following week I always get an email.. "hey do you still have that free
cab?" or someone who wants a part off of it. Likewise, alot of people will
just come and take parts off the cabs if he was to leave them outside which
creates a bigger mess. I work for an op with hundreds of games in
warehouses and plenty of them are dumpster bound. When he does put out free
cabs I always see folks out there with tools picking and choosing what they
want from it. When it finally makes it into the dumpster it's much harder
to move because of what's been taken from it. With Lloyd's inventory, I'm
would assume he wasn't throwing out classic cabs, just useless inventory
that's taking up valuable space.

just my 2¢



"mudmantim" <mudmantim@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Can't believe you dumped "at least 100 video arcade games", Lloyd.
> Especially when other people and business' offer them for free.
> I think that I am disappointed in you. And probably a lot of other
> people are also.
> -Tim
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