Who will play SWTOR when it goes F2P

Swtor is dead my friend.. not even f2p can save it. I am a Star Wars fan and even i didnt find any reason to play after I reached level 50.
It was a great idea, let down by EA and their greed for money and slow updates.

Pretty sure it has less (as in close to nothing) to do with EA's "greed for money" and more to do with a series of terribly implemented design cues on the part of Bioware's development team. SWTOR's failure is completely an in-house issue with the developers. I don't see what blame you can really lay on the publisher in this instance. The game wasn't incredibly rushed, it was just poorly conceived from its inception.

You have to remember that Bioware isn't like Westwood Studios. When Bioware joined EA's publishing house, they maintained a clause that makes all development and design final decisions the property of Bioware itself, whereas Westwood simply ceased to exist. You can blame Bioware for a lot of Bioware's recent shortcomings.

Common its not dead. and its still a pretty good game. New operations coming out all the time. I don't understand how a MMO based on the SW universe could flop. Plus they have been constantly improving it all the time since the early days. The server population is so so so much better now they have cut the number of playable servers down. Plus theres like 8 or 9 class stories to do its class.

Come Back to SWTOR Bro...

Server population is better, after mass server consolidation.

If you enjoy a game, that's good. That's enough actually. It could be something you play with 4 people or 400 or 4 million. I'd say that maybe you should be satisfied that it still has any community at all and try to just enjoy what is there. You'll have a hard time convincing people who already decided that they didn't like the game back when it was relevant, to relinquish that perception.

Simple fact is that SWTOR flopped because at its core, it was a ham-handed WoW clone and not a particularly good one. However, that doesn't make it impossible to enjoy, and I would assume the people that found their niche in SWTOR are playing it to this day. Everyone else, not so much.
hearing that it is going to F2P i may give it another shot, only played a trial period when it came out and did not enjoy the hour i played.

but knowing i can add another game to my list to play being that it will be free i can play it when i want and not be restricted to paying monthly and hope to try and play throughout the month.

casualcolors I think your right tbh. SWTOR definitely didn't set out what it aimed to do i.e be a WoW killer and whats refreshing on these forums is to see someone who may not like the game but appreciate that others do so tons of respect for that.

As for sscultima, daboydman and jaguarskx right on brothers. Give it a chance when it goes F2P in Nov. Its alot better then the early days. I just want to bang up some rancors!!!!
noticed an article today on IGN about the limitations on F2P when it happens, unable to wear purple gear or run operations unless you purchase a license to, which doesnt bother my since im more of a PvE guy and they give 3 PvE runs for flash points during a week. I dont play much of MMO games anyway so for me that will work perfectly if i only play once a week even