Question Why am I getting constant BSODs ?


Sorry, I only ever visit the Windows 10/11 forums. I have however already responded to this user with the same problem on another forum. The user has not yet responded. I'll repeat what I advised on the other forum...

All the dumps are identical, they are all a 0x139 bugcheck indicating that a LIST entry has been corrupted. There is no evidence in the dumps to indicate which driver may have corrupted the LIST entry and so it's highly likely that the list was corrupted earlier by a driver we don't see in these dumps. There are several third-party drivers that you have loaded that might be responsible, but the best way to find out which is to enable Driver Verifier.

Driver Verifier subjects all selected drivers (which will be all third-party drivers) to additional tests and checks each time they are loaded. If any driver fails any of these addtional tests or checks then Driver Verifier will BSOD the system. The resulting dump should enable us to identify the driver that failed the test or check - it's likely that this will be the driver corrupting the LIST entry.

Note that, because Driver Verfier is performing extra tests and checks on each third-party driver every time they are loaded, your system will run slower than normal and may even feel sluggish. This is a price you have to pay to identify any flaky drivers you may have. Performance will return to normal when Driver Verifier is disabled.

Full details on how to enable Driver Verifier and what tests and checks to enable are here: Please read them through carefully before you action these items.

Note that Driver Verifier may make your system BSOD, indeed we want it to BSOD to trap the offending driver, so please keep all minidumps written whilst Driver Verifier is enabled, and upload them all to the cloud with a link to them here once you've disabled Driver Verifier.
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