This article is silly, it begins not admitting that the reason for a price is ultimately the amount of money the seller wants to make! No, instead it gets presented here as a 'real' cost of the technology and materials - which is not true. In fact if you were to see the cost of one of these gpus for Nvidia it would show that materials and production of these barely comes up to 1/5 of their retail price! Similarly an Iphone X costs 1100 in my country while the actual cost of the phone is maybe 100 - the other 1000 is profit for people who did not conceive of it, did not design it and did not manufacture it, they simply move it from market to market. The article passively admits this when it says that partners will sell the product for less than the manufacturer. That gives an inkling of the actual price. If Nvidia sells the 2080 for 699, and partners for less lets say 600, so at 600 they have covered the card, their boxing packaging, advertizing, design of special cooling etc etc etc and they are making a profit!!! So they probably buy at half price - at that price Nvidia is making profit normally so their cost is likely half that. Long story short - the cost is 99 the price is 699 and trying to convince us that it is because of the super high tech is a deliberate misrepresentation of reality.