jsc :
We do not have a tax problem. We have a spending problem.
this truth is already known.
people like jitpublisher get a chance to express themselves all upset about the money they pay to live on this planet.
because of all the anger, they talk to other people.. and those people are equally angry.
nobody realizes the MASSIVE amount of money taxes bring in every year.
somebody else comes along and says 'we have a spending problem'
it makes some people think 'all of our tax money is gone'
it makes other people think 'they didnt spend it all on new toilet seats'
here is where it gets worse.
because people know all of that money simply cannot get spent all in one year.
people get really angry because they dont know where the money is going.. BECAUSE the government wont tell them where the money is going.
stop giving yourself a heart attack about it.
that money has to get paid by everybody at some point in the month.
if you could open your mind a little bit.. you might think your tax money pays for the internet to get created.
to run this forum on tomshardware.com
would it be better to put air conditioners in the schools that dont have them already?
yes it would be.
would those air conditioners make a bigger impact?
that question could get some confusion.
most kids will learn better in school with the air conditioner.
some kids will use the fresh air as an excuse to be a clown.
how about this..
what school is willing to accept a bunch of free air conditioners (or a couple industrial size a/c units) if the new electricity bill is going to be an extra ________ per month?
the school system has already been molded into complaining about how financially poor they are.
to add a huge electric bill onto the monthly bills..
that seems like a MEAN thing to do.. rather than a nice thing to do.
of course,
the children need it no matter how much it costs.
especially when the classroom sizes are bigger and bigger.
taxes pay for a lot of things people never ever use.
and that makes people angry because the things they do use everyday is not something they can grab ahold of and be happy with.
take those numbers you gave out.
then think about how much money the local government makes each month at the local courthouse.
seems like every single person is getting a fine that costs at least $100
sometimes as high as $800
plus the money they spent to bond out of jail early.. another $100 - $300
there is more money coming in than anybody can keep track of.
we DO NOT spend it all.. unless it went towards cell phone towers and the internet.
because then..
we would have some debt to get rid of.
and we are all using the internet right now.. so i think it is best we look at the many improvements in speed the internet has gone through.
and then look at what websites are offering on the website (because this one is really going to raise hell).
the cell phones appear to be making everybody as happy as could be expected.
and that doesnt give anybody the right to think the dull and embarassing internet is any better or 'innocent'
the technological revolution has been underway since the time all of this 'stuff' was being invented and tested.
that is where the most of the money went.. to create this technological world we live in.
once we round our way to being complete.. there will be more money to spend.
perhaps ya'll are simply laughing and teasing at such a thought?