Catsrules: I don't think it has anything to do with malware or bots. Most of those are very VERY small in size. Even a 128k connection would be more than enough to spread that quite easily. And when it comes to flooding or DOS attacks, these days you have malware that can create hordes of zombie computers waiting on a command to commit what little (or great) resources they have to flood out a target of the commanders choosing.
Hang-The-9: I think you could have a point on the possible streaming problem though, aside from Slingbox, which I'm not even sure is being sold anymore, that's really not been a concern that I've seen or heard about. But I also think that your view of what "home use" entails is a bit dated. We didn't have Facebook years ago to which we're uploading twenty 3MB pictures a day. YouTube to which we're uploading an enormous amount of video. At least 500MB or more for most people that just send up home videos for Aunt Edna to see. Syncing your backups with Carbonite, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote or a gaggle of other such services. Not to mention the fact that, if you are trying to watch Netflix or Vudu (or sometimes both at the same time in my house), you can't watch at all whilst uploading a large file... Because there's no room on the egress path for TCP acknowledgements for the downloaded video content. (Does not apply to cablebox type watching. That is all multicast traffic. Not treated the same as streaming services.)
By the way - remember - if you see the spinning wheel of death today on Netflix - it's because today is "Internet Slowdown Day". See:
Late for a meeting. Sorry for any typos.
Have a great day, y'all. -R