[SOLVED] Why do games crash randomly and sometimes cause bluescreen on my pc?


Please help me. I've been having a really hard time playing games due to random crashes and blue screen of deaths. :'(
Firstly, here's my computer:
CPU: Intel core i3 6100 (3.7ghz, dual core)
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650 (4gb, zotac OC)
RAM: 8 GB Corsair Vengeance Lpx DDR4 2400mhz
Motherboard: Gigabyte H110m-s2pv
Monitor: LG 22MP68VQ (1920X1080,60Hz)
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit (version: 1903)
PSU: Corsair VS450
HDD: 1TB internal + 512GB external (Used a case to convert to an external from laptop internal)

Games crash to desktop randomly and sometimes(4-5 times a week) cause blue screen (Memory management, IRQL not less or equal, Page fault in non-paged area, Driver IRQL not less or equal - are most common)
Even faced blue screen once while installing a game
After a restart, the games run quite well for 20-30mins and then it continuously crashes to desktop

What I've tried:
  1. Updating graphics drivers to the latest version
  2. Upgrading windows to the latest version (from 1803 to 1903)
  3. Run windows memory diagnostic tool (everything seems fine)
  4. Run Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool
  5. Take my computer to the shop I bought it from(they couldn't find any problems)
  6. Try other games(games I've tried: Fifa 19, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, FarCry 5, FarCry New Dawn, FarCry Primal, FarCry 4(the problem occurs less while playing FarCry Primal & FarCry 4 but it could be only because these two games require minimum 4gb where others require 8gb of ram))Less demanding games don't crash at all ( Fifa 15 or older, FarCry 3, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm revolution)
  7. Check out a lot of threads on different forums and try out many things
  8. This problem occured from before buying the GTX 1650 when I used only intel HD graphics 530 which used 4GB of system ram
  9. Tried running games from both internal and external HDD
  10. Clean the computer and heatsinks
  11. Tried different quality settings from low to ultra but switching to low quality only postpones the crash by a few minutes
  12. Updating Intel Management Engine Interface & INF drivers (I have never updated BIOS, though)[Do I need to update some more drivers or BIOS?]
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1)That would default to 2133 anyway. What's of interest is the timings below that. But, if none of them are helping, then you really have a faulty kit on your hands.

2)Here's what I managed to find on that:
"It's a process associated with Gigabyte's Smart Timelock feature in their appcenter."
"Vendors like GIGABYTE and MSI have some small programs that come with their motherboard drivers/software downloads."

Do a scan of your system with Adwcleaner here: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/adwcleaner
Quarantine and delete everything it finds.

  1. Try MSCONFIG (type it in the start menu). See if you can find AlarmClock.exe from the Services tab and try to disable the service before removing it.
  2. Find the...
-Page fault in non-paged area
Memory or storage fault.
Check storage drive health with this: https://crystalmark.info/redirect.php?product=CrystalDiskInfoInstaller-

-IRQL not less or equal
Driver or conflict caused by 3rd party antivirus, although sometimes caused by unstable overclocks.
Check the integrity of your Windows files. Link: Using System File Checker

-Memory Management
Memory fault. Windows Memory Diagnostic isn't very thorough, thus it's reliability is questionable.
Test with Prime95 Blend Mode, AIDA64, Memtest86, 3D Mark Timespy - use any 3 of these.

Another possibility if the above does not help, is the power supply.
-Page fault in non-paged area
Memory or storage fault.
Check storage drive health with this: https://crystalmark.info/redirect.php?product=CrystalDiskInfoInstaller-

-IRQL not less or equal
Driver or conflict caused by 3rd party antivirus, although sometimes caused by unstable overclocks.
Check the integrity of your Windows files. Link: Using System File Checker

-Memory Management
Memory fault. Windows Memory Diagnostic isn't very thorough, thus it's reliability is questionable.
Test with Prime95 Blend Mode, AIDA64, Memtest86, 3D Mark Timespy - use any 3 of these.

Another possibility if the above does not help, is the power supply.
The PSU is brand new. But I'll run memtest86+ and see what happens
Update: Crystal disk says both of my HDDs are GOOD. And system file checker ran successfully without any problems. But I will run memtest86 the day after tomorrow as I don't have my usb stick with me right now
Well, you can still run the other programs I mentioned in the meantime to test your memory.

but windows memory diagnostic says tge RAM's fine
WMD isn't very good... to the point of being near useless.

Motherboard drivers can be found here: https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/GA-H110M-S2PV-rev-10/support#support-dl-driver-audio

Btw, could outdated BIOS cause similar problems?
[Thanks in advance for your time]
Have you changed any hardware recently?
If you want to update your bios, first find which version you're currently on, then update to the next one - go up the ladder: https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/GA-H110M-S2PV-rev-10/support#support-dl-bios
You see, unlike with driver updates, bios updates do not delete or overwrite the older ones; the new code is added alongside the older code, so skipping bios updates could do more harm than good.

The PSU is brand new. But I'll run memtest86+ and see what happens
Brand new psu doesn't mean anything if the one you bought was cheap junk to begin with...
It's fine for an office PC, not something you should be using in a higher power consuming gaming oriented PC.
Well, you can still run the other programs I mentioned in the meantime to test your memory.

WMD isn't very good... to the point of being near useless.

OK. I will.

Motherboard drivers can be found here: https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/GA-H110M-S2PV-rev-10/support#support-dl-driver-audio

Have you changed any hardware recently?
If you want to update your bios, first find which version you're currently on, then update to the next one - go up the ladder: https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/GA-H110M-S2PV-rev-10/support#support-dl-bios
You see, unlike with driver updates, bios updates do not delete or overwrite the older ones; the new code is added alongside the older code, so skipping bios updates could do more harm than good.

Ok.I'll try to update the BIOS. And my GPU was added 3 moths ago and used to run fine on a super cheap built-in 164w PSU (without gaming) But gaming caused crashes, BSODs and shut downs. Then I upgraded to the VS450 and it never shut down instantly again but the crashes and BSODs remained (it used to happen even before adding the GPU but only less frequent)

Brand new psu doesn't mean anything if the one you bought was cheap junk to begin with...
It's fine for an office PC, not something you should be using in a higher power consuming gaming oriented PC.

i see. But many of my friends use cheap PSUs from unreputed brands and some of them don't even know what BSOD is. and my PC isn't so power consuming. Used to run it on a 164w(12v rail) built in psu with casing and I was gaming with internal gpu. and this corsair has about 408w on the 12v rail. my graphics card (75watt) shouldn't need the extra 244 watt.
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the Internet is full of horrific stories and warning that BIOS update might brick a motherboard. So, please tell me if it is really safe or not(my motherboard supports Dual BIOS).
That likely happened because they were told to update their bios, and nothing else... likely bought/assembled their PCs and never really kept up to date with anything, and suddenly start updating everything - and poof.

If done right, there should be no issues. You CAN brick the board by skipping too many bios updates.
Since your mobo has a dual bios function, you can actually roll over to the backup bios if you somehow happen to screw up.
Find the one your motherboard is currently on, and move up the ladder until you get to the last one.

The ram or power supply(maybe both) could be the culprits because of #6 in your first post. Only the more demanding games seem to trigger it - higher power consumption due to higher system load/more frequent memory accesses...
But you experienced a crash once while just installing a game - that could've been the ram, or even the storage drive being saved to, but that checked out fine.
The ram or power supply(maybe both) could be the culprits because of #6 in your first post. Only the more demanding games seem to trigger it - higher power consumption due to higher system load/more frequent memory accesses...

when I open the PC and start a game, it runs well for about 10-20mins but then crashes. And after crashing once, it constantly keeps crashing again and again making me unable to complete game missions. But after a restart(or shut down+open), games run well for another 10-20mins. Restarts making my PC stable for a while makes me think that it mightn't be a PSU issue
It might not be the psu... but one of the things that restarting a PC does is clearing the memory cache.
It fills up as you use the PC - it gets to a certain point, and BAM!, crashes. And it continues to crash until you give up and restart the PC again, resetting the cycle.
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It might not be the psu... but one of the things that restarting a PC does is clearing the memory cache.
It fills up as you use the PC - it gets to a certain point, and BAM!, crashes. And it continues to crash until you give up and restart the PC again, resetting the cycle.
this sounds much more like my problem. I'll run memtest86 tomorrow and post the results.
AIDA64 : When I ran system stability test of every hardware (CPU,FPU,GPU, local disk, system memory and cache), the app crashed ad wrote upon starting it again,"previous test was terminated unexpectedly (duration was 12:26 minutes) , max temp(cpu) =100°C, CPU throttling 64% (screenshot 2)
And the stress test of System Memory and cache Wrote hardware failure detected! Test stopped (screenshot 1)
Link to screenshots: View: https://m.imgur.com/a/9LRmKe8

The first one is of memory+cache test amd the second one was taken after the app crshed suddenly(while running all of the tests including CPU, GPU, FPU, memory, disk and cache) and I started it again
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The reason the whole system test ended is because the cpu was overheating.
The other test ended because, well, I think it's pretty obvious.

Need to fix that cooler mount though. Do you have any spare thermal paste?
This is the stock Intel cooler, right? Anyway, remove it and clean off the paste on the heatsink and cpu using alcohol and those little cotton balls.

Reapply the paste by putting a small amount(about the size of a small pea) in the center of the cpu.
Reseat the Intel stock cooler in an 'X' formation. Make sure they CLICK.
-at the same time, do the top-left pin and bottom-right pin
-same time, but top-right pin and bottom-left pin
Yes, it's the stock intel fan. Any idea how much thermal pastes can cost?
BTW, I wanted to try to get the fan at 100% speed using SpeedFan. but the app crashes soooooo much. i can't even click on it because every time i click on the app, it shows errors
Which should I go for? A new CPU cooler Fan, or a heat spreader or just thermal paste is enough?
(In my city, there isn't much of a choice in terms of thermal pastes. But i guess I'll be able to find a cooler master or a thermaltrlake paste)

And are thermal pastes effective enough to reduce my full load temperature to 85°C or less?
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Which should I go for? A new CPU cooler Fan, or a heat spreader or just thermal paste is enough?
(In my city, there isn't much of a choice in terms of thermal pastes. But i guess I'll be able to find a cooler master or a thermaltrlake paste)
The choice of thermal paste does not matter that much. Just have some, period.

You don't need to replace the cooler(or fan) if funds are lacking. Those push pin type coolers are just tricky to mount correctly.
As I mentioned earlier, each pin needs to CLICK.
Hmm. Btw, are thermal pastes effective enough to reduce my full load temperature from 100°C to 85°C or less?
(Some websites say that they only provide 2-5°C boost)
The part about 2-5C difference is correct though.
What's being taken into question, is whether you mounted the cpu cooler correctly.
An improper mount will lead to such temps once the cpu is under a decently sized load.