Why does my computer take forever to start?


Aug 1, 2015

OS: Windows 8.1
MotherBoard: AMD Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
Processor: AMD Fx-6100 3.3Ghz
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon R9 270x Gigabyte Windforce Edition
Hard Drive: I dont know the brand but it is 1 TB


Recently I have been having trouble with my computer Booting up. Everyday when I boot it up my display doesnt show up for about 5 minutes, then my MotherBoards Logo pops up and stays there for about 30 - 60 seconds, then it transitions to a windows logo without a loading icon. After another 5-10 minutes of that a loading Icon appears below the windows logo for an additional 5 minutes.

When it first started happening I immediately looked at the graphics card and tried to find out if it was the cause. Everything works fine with the graphics card. Later when it started up I tried playing a game to find out if was a problem with the GPU and it ran fine, better than normal actually.

When the display wasnt showing, I looked in my case to make sure everything was getting power, and all the LEDs and fans were on.

Any help would be awesome.
Your setup is perfect and it doesn't sound like any thing is wrong with it, but I would recommend a system restore from an earlier date, before you installed something, it could possibly help. No Files will be removed but applications installed before the date selected will, this might help, also how much storage do you have left on your 1TB Hard drive?

I deleted everything and reinstalled Windows, and when everything was reinstalled I restarted it to check it. It still takes a long time to boot up. I ran a scan on my hard drive using the chkdsk command for the CMD, i didnt get to see what happened because I left it while I went out and when I came back it was at my desktop. I dont know if it repaired anything or what, but it seems to not have fixed the problem.

I will be upgrading to an SSD in a couple weeks so that might fix it if it is a problem within the Hard Drive. The parts that I am currently suspecting is my Processor, RAM, and Hard Drive because they are over 3-4 years old in terms of use.

Not necessarily my setup is 3 years old and its running fine, but I'm building a new setup next year, but have you tried running disk defragmenter cause it can remove cache that slows down your computer

Yeah I have I tried the defrag before and after the chkdsk nothing changed. But what i was saying with the suspicion, I didnt base my entire theory on just those parts that were 3-4 years old, i checked everything equally. I did some research and a lot of the cases that are similar to mine have reportedly been solved by replacing on of the three parts, Hard Drive, Processor, RAM.

Disable the logo in the BIOS. So you can see what its doing/saying.

Make sure the hdd is the bootdisk in the BIOS. Having it on anything else can add an extra 20-30 secs to the boot time

If it hangs on the post screen it maybe having probs reading the hdd. This may also be the reason why it takes forever to boot into windows. Something on it maybe corrupt

Easy way to fix that. Replace the hdd


I checked all of that and the HDD is the first thing the computer should boot up. I cant disable the logo, because its the default mother board function when a computer first boots up. its the place where you initially can go to the Bootdisk. I did a lot of checks on my hard drive to make sure everything was in working order and everything came back saying it was working fine. I even reinstalled windows to make sure everything was fresh. Something I noticed was when I went to the System Information it said I had 8 GBs of RAM but only 3.96 GBs was usable. I dont know if one of my sticks is dead or what, I even switched their spots on the motherboard and it still did the same thing. They are in the right spots if that is what anyone was wondering. The problem is still there, but I'm just going to order new RAM and give an update and see if that fixed anything. If that doesn't fix anything I will order an SSD, and I will continue to try new things until it is fixed.

I will keep this post updated as much as I can any new symptoms come up I will post them immediately but for now most of the problems are too vague to really pin point anything. Any more suggestions would be great though.

New Symptom, I was watching Youtube on my computer that is having issues and it randomly black screened (probably the only term I can describe it as) and started making noises like when something crashes. This has never happened before, so idk if this is because of the other issue. My computer has completely turned off while I am either watching YouTube or very rarely when i'm playing a Game but never like this before.

I haven't ordered anything yet because I dont want to spend 100-200$ on a part that didn't need replacing, so I would love more help and theories on what is going on.