[SOLVED] Why does my PC freeze?

Jan 30, 2020
I have a new PC. It got I5 9600K, RTX 2070 super, 16Gb RAM, PSU 850W.
I am using 144Hz monitor with it that has FreeSync (C24G1 AOC). When I play, there are sudden freezes. Freeze of the screen or just the sound. The freeze takes around 1 sec and then it's ok. Interval between each lag is variable, it could be 30 seconds as well as 10 minutes. Please help me find the solution for this.
Can monitor stats like in the video with Afterburner. There's a wide variety of stats you can view. Cpu/gpu temps, usages, ram usages, there's a lot.

There's also Core Temp for temperature and cpu speed / usage you could alt tab to.
Which games?

Might want to check cpu temps, speeds and usage levels while playing. 9600k although decent, it can't handle high frame rates all that well without running into a maximum usage wall causing stutters.

Example. 8600k / 9600k perform about the same.
Can monitor stats like in the video with Afterburner. There's a wide variety of stats you can view. Cpu/gpu temps, usages, ram usages, there's a lot.

There's also Core Temp for temperature and cpu speed / usage you could alt tab to.
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