Question Why does my pc make the sound of my burglar alarm when I start it?

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Mar 19, 2021
How do I fix this? I know it's not my burglar alarm because it says it's DISARMED and in normal condition. (no alarm)
is she dusty?
did you just assume its gender? 🤣

Not very helpful to be honest, you need to be more specific.

Also, can you record the noise/beeps
That stock HSF was for socket B chips, that plus the 260 and 2GB memory sticks indicates it's a few years old already. Board could be a P6T or a related model, doubt it's a Sabertooth X58 because of the graphics card.
P6T had american megatrends firmware on it so... if it keeps making beeps until it gets powered off it means a memory issue, solution would be to first clear CMOS and try the sticks one by one.

If it was built almost 13 years ago when those parts came out it's likely a module is faulty.

short answer: check memory.
These are debug codes, your computer is trying to tell you something that is wrong. The pattern of the codes will tell you what exactly. In order to tell you any more than that we're going to need the motherboard model, and the pattern of the beeps.
I'm baffled honestly.


I mean, you denied everybody that tries to identify the problem and help,
You didn't actually give enough information about the motherboard and the sound pattern

And you insist on "burglar alarm sound"

If my question is the answer, I'd suggest dropping that pc off to whoever sold you. And never look back. They are either aliens or something very paranormal going on 😀
Not a very helpful description.
Though have you tried removing the ram and run it on single channel first? Then next dual channel.

That 3x ram setup could be the issue in some way.
@Jaegeren, @R1 owner: Don't be too harsh on the OP. Obviously, English is not his/her first language, and there's just that much Google Translate can do with majority of languages.

@s355: Make a recording with your phone of that sound, and put is somewhere we can retrieve it (your Google Drive, your One Drive, Dtopbox etc), or to a public space like Pastebin, even YouTube, and post the link here. Make sure access rights are "Can be read by everybody".
I had the same problem. Laptop lid was closed, it sounded a loud long alarm sound. The sound went away as soon as I opened the laptop lid. It wasn't beeping sound , just a loud burglar alarm/ fog horn type of sound,
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