[SOLVED] Why fortnite is lagging

Aug 1, 2019
I have a really big stuttering while playing fortnite

My PC Specs Are :
AMD HD Series 6990
intel I7 cpu 950 overcloacked to 3.80 ghz
Windows 10 pro

my settings in fortnite are low and the same in amd radeon settings
my resolution is : 1366x720 in fortnite
my fps : 60

all that but i still have stuttering fps
I would say that graphics card is possibly not getting fully utilized, as it is a dual GPU card, multiple GPU support is basically dead. You are essentially playing on a single HD 6970. I would also check your temps, to make sure you are not overheating.
Hmmm, being as your spec is easily twice that of the minimum requirements, and your FPS just happens to be 60, I have to think you might have Vsync on with a 60 Hz display, which would severely limit your FPS.

Otherwise it could very well be over 100 FPS. If you get bad screen tear with Vsync off, try using Windowed Fullscreen mode, vs Fullscreen. You could also try capping the framerate to just below your average FPS.
I would say that graphics card is possibly not getting fully utilized, as it is a dual GPU card, multiple GPU support is basically dead. You are essentially playing on a single HD 6970. I would also check your temps, to make sure you are not overheating.
I would say that graphics card is possibly not getting fully utilized, as it is a dual GPU card, multiple GPU support is basically dead. You are essentially playing on a single HD 6970.
Even still, a single 6970 is far closer to the recommended 7870 than the minimum required HD 4000. Close enough to where Med settings should work no problem.

If there is a SLI problem with that game though, I would just disable SLI for it, which could solve any possible compat issues. I'd still like to know if you're running Vsync though, which should only be done on that game with very high refresh displays.
I have a really big stuttering while playing fortnite

My PC Specs Are :
AMD HD Series 6990
intel I7 cpu 950 overcloacked to 3.80 ghz
Windows 10 pro

my settings in fortnite are low and the same in amd radeon settings
my resolution is : 1366x720 in fortnite
my fps : 60

all that but i still have stuttering fps
It's because of Fortnite new patch go on their Twitter and you will see.
Hmmm, being as your spec is easily twice that of the minimum requirements, and your FPS just happens to be 60, I have to think you might have Vsync on with a 60 Hz display, which would severely limit your FPS.

Otherwise it could very well be over 100 FPS. If you get bad screen tear with Vsync off, try using Windowed Fullscreen mode, vs Fullscreen. You could also try capping the framerate to just below your average FPS.
I tried fullscreen windowed with vsync in 1920×1080 and i have fps stutter more than the 1366×720
And i tried to turn off the vsync nothing worked
I have also ssd hard drive 120gb and hdd 1TB
And from season 4 till now the fps is stuttering and i tried to change windows 7 to 10 also nothing worked and minimized the settings of fortnite and windows and amd radeon nothing happened and i didn't overcloacked the gpu and cpu