Why is chrome eating up so much of my physical memory

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Feb 23, 2014
I have a relatively new Toshiba laptop with 4 mgs of RAM. It is running very slow. I have Chrome and Excel open now and the physical memory usage is at 95%. Granted I have 15 tabs open in chrome but some of the tabs are using much more memory than others, Yahoo mail for instance. Beside changing browsers or buying more ram, is there anything I can do to lower the RAM usage?

I have the same issue with an older Dell Vista computer with 4MB of ram. If you need to use Chrome then you'll have to add more memory or change browsers. I could not find any other answer either. For my browser I now use Firefox. It uses less memory and I can have 30 or 60 tabs open . One caveat, if you have Firefox on for hours it too will start to use up more and more memory and become wonky. So you will need to close it down and reopen it to fix this.
Go to Settings and Turn Off Hardware Acceleration ... i had it on and it was eating up over 2GB of memory and i only had 3 tabs open.. now memory usage is only at 35% with 5 tabs open and no difference in performance ...
Hi, you have 4 megs of Ram, that is very little for Windows 7 to run smoothly, Windows 7 requires a minimum of 1GB Ram to run ok.
Windows XP will run better on that Laptop than 7 will. Can i ask what version of 7 is it? if it's Pro, Home, Enterprise etc it will have Aero Effects which will take up Ram, Windows 7 Starter is recommended on most Netbooks with low memory such as 1GB Ram, as it doesn't have Aero. However overall, XP takes less, here's the requirements for Windows XP http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314865 here's the requirements for Windows 7


I would be very careful with ASC smart ram. i have used it for years, I just bought the paid version, because those tools in the toolbox were begging to finally spring for the $20/yr.
Big mistake, First, you must call India in order to activate your software. Never heard of any product needing ,telephone activation. Next, they had to ask permission to scan my computer, (remote desktop) to better serve me. Next, i watched as this thief adding a bunch of little programs.
Then, the sales pitch, he was yelling the whole time, i couldn't get a word in. He said my computer was in terrible shape. But, for only $190/yr i could have it fixed and have telephone support 24/7. Kept asking for credit card number, after 5 minutes of telling him it was a brand new computer, he finally hung-up. Not before screwing of my computer that I couldn't use any of my rescue thumb drives to fix it. Luckily, I bought from Amazon and they took it back.
I been RANSOMED. i heard about it happening but never from a very popular and used company before. Remember, I actually bought their PRO version, but they wanted the big bucks, Never use anything from IOBIT. They are crooks and scammers. I loved their free versions of Smart Defrag and Smart Ram, but never again!!!!
Chrome has been a huge pain for me lately. Old machine...Vista, 2 GB ram.
I turned off the "offer to translate pages that aren't in your language" option in the Advanced settings. Seems like it may have worked.

Was having trouble with Chrome using a ton of memory. I would occasionally get the Norton warning about high CPU usage by Chrome as well. Drags the machine down to a near halt. The only way out would be to force Chrome down while Windows was still responsive or force a reboot.
It's been about 30 minutes since I made the change and no problems yet (which is good considering the way it was).
I hope this helps.

I have the same issue, only that i have 8GB!!! OF RAM!!! AND CHROME USES 4.8 GB!!!!!!!

Wow, you got scammed alright! That wasn't ASC/IObit, I have never dealt with that. I have used ASC for years, I used the free version at first then worked my way up to the Ultimate version. You never have to call in for activation, and you definitely don't need anyone to remote in and install a bunch of crap on it or scan it. I use Malware Bytes and CCleaner now. But none of that will really help with the ram issue. Always test other browsers and re-install if necessary, or just switch to firefox.

Does not sound like ASC at all, as hollywoodmarks said. I entered a code through the program to activate the pro version.
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