Question Why is my 5700x CPU throttling to 550MHz after 5 mins of running Cinebench?

Apr 16, 2023
CPU: Ryzen 5700x
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master MA620P
Thermal Paste: Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut
GPU: Radeon RX 6900 XT
MOBO: Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 3200MHz 16CL 32GB
PSU: EVGA 850 G2
Case: Silverstone RL06

BIOS Settings(Latest Bios & Chipset Update):
PBO = On
XMP = On

Envoronmental Temp = 26c

HWiNFO64 Screenshots:

I recently upgraded my CPU, CPU cooler, GPU, RAM, and have noticed my CPU throttling down to 550MHz after running Cinebench for a bit over 5mins. It seems like it's some sort of thermal throttling but the CPU is only reaching 84c when max temp is 95c so I'm a little confused. I have a decent CPU cooler, case, and I made sure to apply a generous amount of thermal paste to the CPU. I do have an older motherboard so maybe that's causing some sort of thermal bottleneck? I am no expert at this stuff so I appreciate any help I can get on finding out what the issue is.
that chipset is very old , those original AM4 motherboards often have
various issues running 5xxx series CPUs .
AMD originaly didn´t even intended to support new 5xxx cpus on those oldest AM4 chipsets .
also that motherboards VRM is low end and
it might not be capable to properly handle 8 core chip with PBO enabled -
VRM might be getting too hot if you put maximum pressure on your CPU .

you invested into a 1 000 dollars video card (give or take a little) and a new cpu -
maybe it´s time to spend extra 150-200 bucks and buy a decent B550 motherboard
can both be find below 200 dollars .
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Reactions: kurdtnz and KyaraM
CPU: Ryzen 5700x
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master MA620P
Thermal Paste: Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut
GPU: Radeon RX 6900 XT
MOBO: Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 3200MHz 16CL 32GB
PSU: EVGA 850 G2
Case: Silverstone RL06

BIOS Settings(Latest Bios & Chipset Update):
PBO = On
XMP = On

Envoronmental Temp = 26c

HWiNFO64 Screenshots:

I recently upgraded my CPU, CPU cooler, GPU, RAM, and have noticed my CPU throttling down to 550MHz after running Cinebench for a bit over 5mins. It seems like it's some sort of thermal throttling but the CPU is only reaching 84c when max temp is 95c so I'm a little confused. I have a decent CPU cooler, case, and I made sure to apply a generous amount of thermal paste to the CPU. I do have an older motherboard so maybe that's causing some sort of thermal bottleneck? I am no expert at this stuff so I appreciate any help I can get on finding out what the issue is.
That MB has "Overheating warning" in BIOS which maybe set to to low value.
Other than that, it may be running out of power due to limited VRM.
Run Ryzen Master in advanced mode so you can see if anything maxes out.
MOBO: Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
I am no expert at this stuff so I appreciate any help I can get on finding out what the issue is.
The reported CPU VRM temperature at the first throttle is 118C so almost doubtless that's what is throttling the CPU. I had a Gigabyte B350m Gaming 3 that would also throttle any time the VRM temp went above 115C; I was running an OC'd Ryzen 7 1700 on it.

I'd suggest positioning a fan to blow air across the VRM heatsink to help cooling but don't know if that's possible. Another idea is arrange the fans on the CPU cooler into a pull mode with a fan on the output side blowing air towards the case exhaust. That fan will create a lot of disturbed air that helps cool the VRM.

B350's were noteable for weak VRM's and VRM heatsinking so the best solution is a better motherboard with a stronger VRM. But things also depend a lot on how you actually use the motherboard: Cinebench is a realistic stress test but image rendering may not be something you do with it. Gaming is unlikely to impose a sustained heavy power draw on the VRM causing it to overheat and throttle.
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