Why is my 8GB of ram always at 80%-90% all the time even when i have nothing running that uses more than 30MB?

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Jul 3, 2014
I am getting so sick of this! No matter what or how i do anything i my brand new built PC is always and i mean always running memory at 80%-90% even when there is nothing running. I added everything up in task manager and it all adds up to not even one GB of memory actually being used but it says i am using 90% and only have like a quarter of a GB to use. I may not have the best memory in the world but G.Skill Ripjaw x 2X4GB should at leas be able to run Facebook and YouTube without overloading! :( I have done so many tests and it all says there are working fine. I guess i will get a new motherboard and memory that supports 32GB of memory so i will be able to watch YouTube and be on Facebook at the same time but i really doubt it would be able to handle that much of a powerful godly load! :mad: Maybe 64GB of memory could handle it, hell it may just be able to play Pac-Man if i had 64GB of memory lmao.........................................but seriously i need help, is my memory screwed up or something? I mean every thing says it is all working :(



Robert Pankiw

Mar 26, 2012
Are you having performance issues? I'll assume you are.
I'd follow ronintexas instructions, and consider Viewtyjoe too. Both of them are giving good advice.

Optionally, you can restart windows into safe mode (with networking). Try doing what you normally do, though most drivers won't be loaded, so you can't really do much, certainly can't play intensive games.

The idea is to see if the issue is with some flaw in Windows, or in some driver you might have. Assuming everything runs well in safe mode, then you need to start updating drivers, and making sure Windows et al are up to date with patches.

Are you running some sort of server on your desktop?


Jul 3, 2014

The most memory a program is using is Windows explorer and its using 12MB :'(


Jul 3, 2014

I have did many tests and is all says everything is fine and all i do on it is get on Facebook since my R9 280 isnt in yet. but i guess i will need 32GB of memory for something that high performance demanding.........:(


Jul 3, 2014

I have ran those well over 20 times and even bought the paid version of those and AVG and i bought around 4 other top virus protectors spending aroung $100 if not more just so i could stop this shitty mess :'(

Robert Pankiw

Mar 26, 2012
Ferrariassassin, did you go through the various steps we suggested?

I don't know your particular situation, which is why I asked if you are running any server software (ex: an SQL database, or apache etc). Certain programs, particularly SQL, but others like it, will request large amounts of RAM that it doesn't use. The OS knows what's up, but as long as there is free RAM, it will give SQL what it asks for. That makes it appear as if you only have 100MBs free, but if some new program runs that requests 200MBs, SQL would have to release unused resources.

You only have 186MBs in your Paged Pool, which tells me that you don't have performance problems. Above I said I assumed you did, because 'why else are you considering spending hundreds of dollars of more RAM, etc'?


Legenda in Aeternum
What all is in startup? Anything unusual? How does DRAM look as far as use at initial boot? If checking DRAM after on for awhile and with your programs open, you've got almost 6GB in use in the non-paged pool, which is classically just data the CPU thinks might be called back into play by open kernel objects/programs - that's where most is allocated, as the rig needs DRAM it should write that data to page file on your hard drive


Jul 3, 2014

No i am not running anything you said like i said before. It takes ages for things to load and can barely run Facebook which is crazy. I have a great SSD it may not be the best but it is one of the fastest SSD`out there and i added up everything in my task manager and it all adds up to 324.3MB yet task manager says i am using 7.0GB and more. How is this possible? And i am not running anything all i do is turn my PC onand than take a screen shot of my Task Manager. I have no idea what Server software is. The most demanding thing i have done on my PC is play Minecraft a while back. Is there something using 7GB of memory somewhere? And i have done everything you guys told me to do ant it did not help any :( I guess im kinda angry where i finally got done with my build and not my PC is using 7GB of memory just to be able to to come on, hell i thing using the Task manager probably takes 5GB i wouldn't doubt it.


Jul 3, 2014

So is it anything to worry about? And no nothing unusual is running, heck the only thing i have done on this PC that involves actually using an internet connection is Minecraft, Facebook, and Toms Hardware lol


Sep 9, 2014

Your running 8.1? I had this problem when I came from win7 to win 8.1... Was really like "Wow okay, this is how 8.1 is going to start out with me"... I fixed it... Apparently there is a memory leak in windows.. How it started, I have no idea.. Here is the fix that helped me:

To Fix Memory Leaks on Non-Paged-Pool:
Changed the registry value instead of using Autoruns:


Change the Start value to 4 (for disable).

Try that..


Jul 3, 2014

How do i find it? I cant copy anything from the weird box thing because it disappears when i go to copy it so i justtyped it in on my PC and i have no Hkey_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM how can i find it


Nov 26, 2014
so what do you do after opening the registry and clicking the file that ends in Machine

so i clicked on the thing labeled spoiler was afraid was a link but i had enough and decided i would try it i follwed it and changed the Hex value to four im still seeing that my ram using 89 % and its running no more then 200 mb of data 1% cpu and like 9-16% disk space any other ideas i have the same 8GB of G skill Ripjaws DDR3 1600 mhz cas 9 ram



Jul 3, 2014
Guys my PC works %100 perect now all thanks to TomsHW! I now have an i5-4690 and an MSI R9-290 and i was very lucky because the R9-290 i got is a great card because i have it overclocked so good that core and memory clock is as far as it can go on MSI Afterburner and i cant even go any further. I ran many benchmarks and three 24 hour %100 load benchmarks and no problams so many of my friends are saying i hit the GPU lottery being able to OC this far on a dang R9-290. It stays around 80 degrees at most and on average around 75 at full load


Nov 26, 2014
good to hear man but you didn't say what to do after opening the registry and click the machine file what do i do from there ? also mine sometimes spikes and says the disk space is full i have a terabyte hard drive so i doubt its really full much like the ram. If i could get the rest of the process after opening the registry and any additional info on why the disk space is doing it sometimes as well it would be greatly appreciated


Jul 3, 2014

Well once in a while my Laptops HDD goes to %100 usage and it is soooo slow when it does that. What i have heard is that when a HDD does this a lot it means it is dying so quote me on that. Also i so not understand what you are asking man, are you having the same problem as me with the Memory being like %90-%100 usage all the time even if not doing anything? If you are having problems with your HDD using a lot of usage than i do not know what say as im not that much experienced with HDD that much. If you are having the same problem as me i will do my best to help ya out man :) Here is a video of how exactly i ixed the memory leak with my RAM so watch it and you should be good man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3hRMahc7v4
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