[SOLVED] Why is my computer freezing?!

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Jun 26, 2020
I Just bought an iBUYPOWER - Gaming Desktop - Intel Core i9 - 9900KF - 16GB Memory - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER - 1TB SSD
and everytime I game for maybe an hour or so the computer just freezes and i have to forcefully turn it off. I dont know what the problem is, it could be a bad graphics card or something. i need help.
I dont think that motherboard overheating. He has 3 Intake Fan Mesh front panel, 1 Exhaust and Mesh Top open...It would take a closed case with 1 exhaust fan to get a mobo vrm to overheat.
You need to give the 2nd image another look. That's an acrylic panel with a mesh filter behind it. There's a tiny strip of grille on the side, but ehh, airflow's still choked.
Then there's one of the downsides that comes with liquid cooling cpus: direct airflow that an air cooler would normally provide is not present, and VRMs naturally run warmer as a result.
The 9900K shares similarities with AMD's old 125w FX cpus: both can throttle low/weak VRM phases.
Also, the system integrators should know by now that Intel's TDP guidelines are a load...
Asrock motherboard... M-ATX form factor... VRMs are lacking... 9900KF, 120mm liquid cooler...

I have an idea of what may be going on, but see what ibuypower says/does for you first.

Their support is terrible only their reddit guy answers and he said it might be a faulty GPU but i dont believe that. Whats your idea

also the motherboard is a Z390 Phantom
Well if you just bought it and haven't messed with anything, other than powering it on, browsing, and gaming...
I suspect the motherboard's VRMs are crapping out on you due to overheating, and that's causing the PC to freeze because the cpu tries to boost while the VRMs are throttled.
Well if you just bought it and haven't messed with anything, other than powering it on, browsing, and gaming...
I suspect the motherboard's VRMs are crapping out on you due to overheating, and that's causing the PC to freeze because the cpu tries to boost while the VRMs are throttled.

I dont think that motherboard overheating. He has 3 Intake Fan Mesh front panel, 1 Exhaust and Mesh Top open...It would take a closed case with 1 exhaust fan to get a mobo vrm to overheat.
I dont think that motherboard overheating. He has 3 Intake Fan Mesh front panel, 1 Exhaust and Mesh Top open...It would take a closed case with 1 exhaust fan to get a mobo vrm to overheat.
You need to give the 2nd image another look. That's an acrylic panel with a mesh filter behind it. There's a tiny strip of grille on the side, but ehh, airflow's still choked.
Then there's one of the downsides that comes with liquid cooling cpus: direct airflow that an air cooler would normally provide is not present, and VRMs naturally run warmer as a result.
The 9900K shares similarities with AMD's old 125w FX cpus: both can throttle low/weak VRM phases.
Also, the system integrators should know by now that Intel's TDP guidelines are a load of crap: that 120mm AIO is only sufficient for the 9900K(95w TDP) at base frequencies. They're technically correct, but in reality... nope.

-Choked front intake
-Liquid cooled 9900KF
-Insufficient VRM phase motherboard
-Only 1 exhaust fan
I don't know about you, but to me, the clues are already there for VRM throttling. I wouldn't be surprised if the gpu was running 80C+ in game either.
You need to give the 2nd image another look. That's an acrylic panel with a mesh filter behind it. There's a tiny strip of grille on the side, but ehh, airflow's still choked.
Then there's one of the downsides that comes with liquid cooling cpus: direct airflow that an air cooler would normally provide is not present, and VRMs naturally run warmer as a result.
The 9900K shares similarities with AMD's old 125w FX cpus: both can throttle low/weak VRM phases.
Also, the system integrators should know by now that Intel's TDP guidelines are a load of crap: that 120mm AIO is only sufficient for the 9900K(95w TDP) at base frequencies. They're technically correct, but in reality... nope.

-Choked front intake
-Liquid cooled 9900KF
-Insufficient VRM phase motherboard
-Only 1 exhaust fan
I don't know about you, but to me, the clues are already there for VRM throttling. I wouldn't be surprised if the gpu was running 80C+ in game either.

He said his cpu is around 49-50 Celsius when he was playing MMO. so that not a motherboard VRM overheating. He can use HWinfo to see the motherboard vrm temp or infrared temp. But I can assure you at that cpu temp that not enough to cause the vrm temp to overheat.

Also That not enough to get choked front in-take since there a space on acrylic panel on slide and under it there a huge gap space. A front intake will choke if it sealed from getting air from outside. Just look what he said he idle at 29 temp.

I had a case called Aero Cool which only had a intake under the case front panel. It not even choking with 2 front fan in-take. I can still feel the air from intake fan cool temp. As long there a gap in front panel and intake and there a space between for air to breathe, it will not choke.. I mean look at those Prebuild desktop like Dell/HP they dont even in-take fan on front panel and they dont choke.
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