Why is my computer slow on occasion?


Nov 23, 2014
I have an HP pavilion laptop with 8 GB RAM, AMD A10-5750M with Raedon HD Graphics 2.50 GHz processor, and Windows 8.1. About half of the time when i use this computer it works fine. Browsing the internet is fast and so is playing games (minecraft runs at 120fps). However, the other half of the time the computer seems to run very slow. Browsing seems to be fine, but games like minecraft and skyrim drop down to 30fps or lower. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I can stop it? I also just tried running CCleaner and defragmenting my hard drive to see if they would fix the problem but nothing really happened. Any help would be appreciated.
Wow, thats quite stange. Honestly, what i would do (After running troubleshooter, and diagnostics) would be back up your data on an external hdd, and do a system restore. If that doesn't work, it might be a hardware problem. Sorry for the bleak and serious answer, but to be honest, i have not heard of that happening in my 29 years of experience with computers. Im no expert, but thats just something i would do personally. Im sorry for the late response as well. Good luck to you my friend. Let me know what fixes it or doesn't fix it.



Nov 23, 2014

Hi, sorry for the late response. It is completely random when it happens. When it does happen, the computer feels just as cool as it normally does. This problem usually occurs after it's been on for more than an hour, but it sometimes happens when I just boot up the computer.

Lucky Lockhart

Nov 13, 2014
Wow, thats quite stange. Honestly, what i would do (After running troubleshooter, and diagnostics) would be back up your data on an external hdd, and do a system restore. If that doesn't work, it might be a hardware problem. Sorry for the bleak and serious answer, but to be honest, i have not heard of that happening in my 29 years of experience with computers. Im no expert, but thats just something i would do personally. Im sorry for the late response as well. Good luck to you my friend. Let me know what fixes it or doesn't fix it.
