Question Why is my network connection sow slow behind this VPN on VM?

[Moderator Note: Moving post from Apps and Software to Networking. More applicable category.]

The title is a little misleading, mainly because the issue is a bit complicated. For work-related tasks, I connect to my customers through various VPNs. Nothing special about that. For one of my customers, I download a lot of log files- these range from 20 MB to 200 MB. I put together a Wmare Workstation VM years ago for Windows 7 to accomplish this, and it did fine. I eventually upgraded it to Windows 10, and again that did fine. Download speeds would be based on the network connection speed of the server I was downloading from, but 300 KB/s is probably a good average. And I get the same speed anywhere - whether I am working from home or working in the office.

So, that VM really has no issue except that it is old - upgrade after upgrade, causing some inflation in size that isn't really needed. This started bugging me a few months ago, so I created a new VM from scratch - one with Windows 10 and another most recently Windows 11. The only issue I am having on these is download speeds through the VPN - it's terrible. That 300 KB/s download speed drops to about 30. Sometimes I can switch it the network connection to NAT and/or switch it back to Bridged, and the speed will pick back up. Sometimes that makes no difference at all. The other weird part is that if I am in the office - it's fine. Full speed every time. Now, I am not too shocked by the speed at the office, but I just don't know why any new VM I create has such slow speed at home.

Do you all have any ideas? Just a couple notes:
1. I just checked internet speed and I am showing 329 Mbps in the VM and 357 on the desktop.
2. This is on a wired internet connection both at home and the office.
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