Question why is my pc randomly disconnecting from my monitor?

May 20, 2023
As of last week my pc keeps disconnecting from my monitor for no apparent reason. I switch my pc off and on, disconnect my cable from the port (I have a Samsung g3 odyssey and I'm using a display port 1.4 cable) and I've also switched both ends around, changed it to a HDMI and there's no guaranteed fix to any of these. It seems too random and weird as in why it would happen now.
I have recently got a amplifier for a beyerdynamic 990 pro headphones which is plugged into my pc (the amplifier) but I'm not sure how that would cause this issue. this issue also started when I had the amplifier plugged, it's never happened before. so if the amplifier is the problem then how do i keep using it without it being a complete bust. I am not computer savvy either, just want to know how to fix this problem without tearing my whole pc up.



Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)? History of heavy use for gaming, video/music editing, or even bit-mining?


"I switch my pc off and on"....

Are you doing that to recover the system and boot again or is that how the system is being shutdown from use? Versus using the Windows power icon to shutdown.

= = = =


"amplifier for a beyerdynamic 990 pro headphones which is plugged into my pc (the amplifier)"

So, like this (line diagram):

PC < ---- > Amplifier < -----> 990 Headphones ?

Do the monitor disconnects stop when the amplifier is removed?

Sketch out a diagram of how everything (devices, ports, cables, electrical outlets, everything) was connected before the amplfier was purchased and connected in.

Then sketch in the new device and corresponding connections that were added in.

Look for any sort of "circle" in the connection paths.

What may be happening is some sort of ground(earth) or some loop via audio.