Question Why is my performance much lower than my friend's.

Jul 2, 2019
Okay, so me and my friend have the EXACT same pc except for motherboard, ram (he uses dual channel and i have 1 stick of 8gb) and gpu vendor.
in every game he gets more fps. i'm using CS as an example as its what we play the most and also has the biggest difference in fps.
My gpu in those screenshots is running at a higher clock (slightly). Also, i have noticed that my gpu usage in games is never above 60-75%.
from the comparison videos we have seen, the difference in cs with dual channel ram or single, isnt as big as the difference in our fps.
also he plays cs on a HDD and mine is on my SSD.
also this fps test in the screenshots is the high end of what my fps gets to, it is normally lower in game.
we have the EXACT same driver versions on GPU and have the EXACT same windows settings. just wondering what could be going wrong here. thanks.

Zotac GeForce GTX 1050Ti 4 GB Mini
Corsair CMK8GX4M1A2400C16 Vengeance LPX 8 GB
Intel Core i3-8100
Kingston SSD A400 240gb

fps screenshots:: View: