No, there is no rule. You aren't in trouble at all. What I was trying to say is that if you are posting on Tom's Hardware, then you must care and trust them. Meaning their reviews would trump all others. By sticking around and posting on their forums we basically agree that their reviews are correct. And as a long time reader before using the forums or becoming a mod I loved how open they are. I was reading a review another mod posted from a different site as we were talking about CPU power usage. He posted a link showing the 9590 using nearly 400W under load. But in reading the info I noticed they never said what they were measuring. Or how. Was this from a special board that read the power to the socket somehow? Or, what I suspect, a kill a watt measuring the power usage of the entire system. After pouring over the page 3 times I just gave up. The information I needed wasn't there. Unless the 7700K also uses nearly 300W under load I'm convinced it's just a kill a watt measuring the total system draw. But that's the awesome thing about Tom's. They are (usually) very clear about what they are doing and how.
So here is my issue. Anyone can start up a youtube channel or even a website. But what do they really know? There is an online personality that us mods love to bash in private. In their videos s/he does horrible things like pick up cards by the gold pins, just put a card in the machine and start benchmarking, and a host of other issues. How do you know they are remembering to make sure the ambient temps are the same between runs? Do you trust their house AC to do the job? Do you really think all these people on youtube reimage their OS and it's clean of other things? Most of the time they have so many icons on their task bar you have no way of knowing if any of that stuff is slowing their PC down. The 8400 might even be the new awesome sauce chip seeing as there aren't a lot of reviews on it yet. But as mentioned above why would Intel make it faster than the 8700? Or the 8600?,126687
Why would the 8400, which has nearly the same IPC performance as the 7700K seeing as the cores are nearly identical, be faster? It has two more real cores, with two less threads. It "can" turbo up to 4.0GHz if it has the power and thermal room. The 7700K STARTS at 4.2GHz and only goes up from there. As far as gaming goes I'd believe that the 8400 can come close to the 7700K. But beat it? As above, something fishy would be going on.