Why my 6600k works 100%

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Nov 14, 2016
Why the 6600k work without game 40% to 50% and with one or two zip Works with lag at 100%; I had the 8350 and even with 4 and simultaneously zip not stump the system.
My system : 6600k with watercool , msi M3 z170, windows 10 last version ram 16 GB and ssd evo
I believe that you are somewhere wrong perhaps because you are a fan of amd.
Looking for solution of the problem.
Τhe 6600k is clearly much better than in 8350 and I had the 2.
Τj Now that talking. I have cpu 35% to 44% of the programs are run: nvidia, onedrive, windows defender, and the 2 programs of mobo and two programs one is razer synape and the last is logitech.
if I'm going to do some processing, eg video edit or photoshop the system hangs.
one last thing. I have 5 hard drives. 2 ssd. and 3 hdd. This is a trouble for the system;
Could you list the individual CPU % usage for each of those processes? I don't think any of those should be more than a few % under normal circumstances, unless Defender is running a scan at that moment, or OneDrive is actively backing stuff up at the time, etc
@Themastererr you're right that AMD CPUs are particularly good at unzipping, and may very well be faster at it than an i5, but that doesn't explain why a 6600k should get hung up while unzipping, or why idle usage should be at 30-40%. Also, I don't see why 5 drives would be a problem. Maybe if you're trying to write and read to them all simultaneously, but under normal use I'm not sure why it'd be an issue.

Ya, I know. That post was written with a little frustration and was uncalled for.

If applications are scattered across the drives I was thinking it could case delays and issues. I've only used a max of two drives at a time. I always assumed adding a bunch of drives on a consumer desktop would cause access delays and what not. I'm not experienced with that many drives so I shouldn't have commented on it.
Like others suggested I would check to see what else is running in the task manager if the cpu is at 40-50% use. Something is using the cpu if that's the case, either drive indexing, windows updates, antivirus, something. Zip operations are heavily threaded and so zipping/unzipping works best on an i7 with its hyper threading allowing 8 threads to run vs the i5 with only 4 threads. It is one of the few things the fx 8350 was good at and surpassed i5's while competing with i7's. Not many people zip/unzip archives all that often.

It would help to know what drive the programs are (hopefully one of the ssd's) and what drive the programs are outputting or reading files from. You might have 7zip on the ssd but if the archive is located on a slower hard drive then it may slow things down a bit reading and extracting those files from a zip. Even worse if it's a really slow drive like a 5400rpm eco drive like a wd green 'low power' drive.

Here's a look at the i5 6600k vs the i5 6700k both at stock and overclocked when handling 7zip.

The stock i7 6700k is still 23% faster handling zip files than the 6600k overclocked to 4.5ghz. When both are overclocked the i7 leads the i5 by 31%.
Java Platform use the 28%
erasing some programs. from start windows and fell 30% to 35% is well there;
I have 5 hard drives. because I deal with video edit photoshop CAD and Games and i need space not know if this is a problem.
I think it would be better for me to buy i7 6700k. or not?
I read in several forum that the new windows have many issues.
I do not know if ι have to change the windows or any hardware in order to solve my issue.
plz help me
Temastererr plz friend I had in 8350 and still too slow for me. for many times I had amd I was disappointed.
high power consumption, very little fps in games compared to 6600k ,
but ok in photoshop kai video edit was quickest.
ok gyus I found the program and solution. Was the program of the ups. Unistall it and now CPU run at 3% max 5% with nothing doing. Only Web.
I had initially scare.
because new cpu and works 100% I say is Troubleshooting.
so no need to go to i7 for now haha