Question Why my pc out of nowhere is super slow and I get less fps...?


Aug 20, 2016
So I was playing valorant and the game froze. I went to my other monitor which was fine and opened tasked manager but it opened behind the game. Because the game was frozen I couldn't end it because it was behind, so I ALt F4 and it didn't do anything. I restarted my pc and everything closed as it should.Nonetheless, when I the system reboots I start noticing something strange. I got the OS on my SSD and games and other things in the HDD. The pc booted quick as usual but then I couldn't open the folders as fast as before nor I could open Task Manager as fast as before.I quickly opened valorant again and the game wouldn't launch, was stuck on "Not responding". Then I'm like "Ok..." so I tried another game COD MW and for some reason I was getting half or 2/3 of the frames I usually get. Then I updated NVIDIA drivers (I wasn't that outdated) and updated windows then restarted again.
PC is still slow and I notice that the task bar with the icons flicker when I touch it or go to "Type here to search."

Another thing I notice is that when I open task manager for the first time after each restart, "System Interrupts" reaches CPU usage 50%-70% and then goes back to normal using a 0.7%. In idle CPU is sitting at ~30-40% usage using 1 google chrome tab.
I don't hear anything wrong inside the PC and the temp is fine, its not hot at all.I have't cleaned installed Windows 10 yet cause I want to try and fix this without this.

System Specs:Intel i7-8700k 4.36GHz a bit OCed
GTX 1070 Ti a bit OCed (not that much)
RAM 16Gb (2x8) 3200Mhz
PSU 650w Gold Fully Modular
Noticed that if I window a google chrome tab and move it around my 240Hz monitor it looks choppy, doesn't look as smooth as the mouse.

I tried COD MW after updates to drivers and windows and its still the same (I usually got 140+fps, now Im getting 60-90fps). I deleted Valorant and its Anti Cheat program and the PC remains the same. I don't know what to do.

I can't open folders as fast as before on my SSD but the system reboots quickly as always.
What might have changed since all was well?
Perhaps you have a virus or malware.
Perhaps windows has pushed out a less than optimal update.

If you can, try using system restore to reset back to a time when all was well.
Nothing came up from Malwarebytes and no optional update has been done. Last bet is system restore or clean install windows 10.
Is it possible that the GPU is starting to die? I haven't gotten black screen, tearing or pixelation (like a distortion).