why processor/ cpu doesn't use its full strength

Udit Sharmaa

Apr 2, 2013
I want to know when a system face workload (multitask or heavy processing) and becoming slow then why not the cpu works on its ful power/ strength?
I have 3.2ghz i5-4570 cpu and I never watch it utilizing its full strength when needed. hdd and ram become full utilized very soon.
A CPU at idle will show 2-5% use. I'm using around 8% CPU, and ~7GBs of my 16GBs of ram. Just because something is loaded into ram doesn't mean it requires more CPU cycles. And if your CPU is pegged at 100% that doesn't mean it's going to "function more rapidly". If anything it means it's overworked and will perform slower.
I think you answered your own question. If your hdd and ram get used up before the CPU hit full speed, then they are causing a bottleneck for the rest of your system. More ram would help.

Also, due to coding restrictions, it's possible the task can only use two core. So with a quad core CPU you will still see ~50%. This is normal and until we develop better OoO programming languages there isn't anything that can be done.

I have 8gb Gskill RAM and I have never seen cpu utilization over 60-70% in task manager. is there any problem? foe example in 77 processes RAM usage is 50% and cpu uti. is 2-3%. I think if processor work with its max strength (3.2ghz max but nor speed it have is 0.5 ghz to 2.5 ghz) then system function more rapidly !!
is there any logic behind it or any technique?
also, if a task requires some files to be read, if the hdd is not fast enough (say reading large files) then the cpu will have to wait while the file is being read (possible being stored in the ram which is another factor). if the cpu waits, the utilization will be lower but will give it time to do other things
A CPU at idle will show 2-5% use. I'm using around 8% CPU, and ~7GBs of my 16GBs of ram. Just because something is loaded into ram doesn't mean it requires more CPU cycles. And if your CPU is pegged at 100% that doesn't mean it's going to "function more rapidly". If anything it means it's overworked and will perform slower.