Question Why Samsung magician and Crystaldiskmark results are so different?

Jan 5, 2025
I have a Samsung 990 Pro, you are supposed to get close to 7500 MB/s read speed on this SSD but im getting around 5800 MB/s on Samsung magician benchmark.

Been trying to fix it for a couple of days and havent been able to, but i tried Crystaldyskmar benchmark and the results are around 7000 Mb/s which now doesn't seem like i have a problem to fix.

Why could there be such a difference?


The SSD is supposed to be able to get read/write speeds up to 7450/6900 MB/s but im only getting around 5800/5500. Ive tried both Standard mode and Full Performance Mode on the SSD with Samsung Magician but i get similar results. Im on Windows 11 and i have an Intel I5 12400 Gigabyte B660M DS3H MB and 16 gb 3200 ddr4 ram. Could anything on my system be bottlenecking the SSd or does it look like the SSD has a problem itself.
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Gigabyte B660M DSH3
What BIOS version are you on for your motherboard? Which slot is the 990 Pro populating?

Could anything on my system be bottlenecking the SSd or does it look like the SSD has a problem itself.
Have you checked to see if the SSD is pending any firmware updates? You might want to also see how many startup items/app's you have running in the background.
Gigabyte B660M DSH3
What BIOS version are you on for your motherboard? Which slot is the 990 Pro populating?

Could anything on my system be bottlenecking the SSd or does it look like the SSD has a problem itself.
Have you checked to see if the SSD is pending any firmware updates? You might want to also see how many startup items/app's you have running in the background.
Updated Motherboard bios (F30) and SSD firmware to latest versions.

It is installed in the M2A slot, its being recognized as PCIe Gen4x4

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It has about 200 Gb f
How full is the drive?
What else might have been running when you did the test?
It has about 200 Gb free Space (It is 1tb). I might have been running things like afterburner and probably some other not demanding processes but im going to repeat the test today making sure ill stop anything that might affect performance.