K kitten00 Honorable May 3, 2013 2 0 10,510 May 3, 2013 #1 My home has wi-fi but i can't access it in my inspiron 1501 dell laptop.
smorizio Titan Jan 22, 2010 30,980 10 125,315 May 3, 2013 #2 On some laptops there an off switch for the wifi card or a function key.see if you turned off the wifi card. If the wifi card cand find your network and others then you need to put in the wifi password (wep) or other password. Upvote 0 Downvote
On some laptops there an off switch for the wifi card or a function key.see if you turned off the wifi card. If the wifi card cand find your network and others then you need to put in the wifi password (wep) or other password.
K kitten00 Honorable May 3, 2013 2 0 10,510 May 3, 2013 #3 the wifi did work before but i reinstalled the windows. Upvote 0 Downvote
rex4235 Honorable Jun 9, 2012 874 0 11,060 May 3, 2013 #4 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080209063950AAtaSU0 Upvote 0 Downvote
smorizio Titan Jan 22, 2010 30,980 10 125,315 May 4, 2013 #5 From another pc download from dell support web page your laptop drivers to a USB stick and reinstall them. Upvote 0 Downvote
From another pc download from dell support web page your laptop drivers to a USB stick and reinstall them.