Wich 970 brand?

Dude the Asus Strix is considered as the best all round! But I like the G1 more as the cooling solution is the best so it`s between the G1 and the Strix, the Strix is clocked higher at stock if I`m not mistaken...

But no doubt they are the 2 best all rounders! Just keep AVGA SSC also n mind, very nice also!

Get this, with TwinFrozr Cooling Tech, one of the best in the industry:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card ($339.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $339.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-22 10:21 EDT-0400


Boost Clock / Base Clock
1279 MHz / 1140 MHz (OC Mode)
1253 MHz / 1114 MHz (Gaming Mode)
1253 MHz / 1051 MHz (Silent Mode)
4096 MB GDDR5 / 7010 MHz Memory

Video Output Function

Dual-link DVI-I x 1
Dual-link DVI-D x 1
HDMI x 1
DisplayPort x 1

The prizes are around:
G1 390
MSI (red) 365
Asus 355.

As you can see G1 becomes a little more expensive than the others.
Its worth the difference or should i go for the msi/asus?

Thank you again.
Again, just get the cheapest of the high-end coolers from GIgabyte,Asus,MSI, Evga. Only when they are same price should you consider what brand is better, as they are very similar, reliable, cooling, sound, etc. After all it still is just a gtx 970 at its core.

High end cooler can be many things from the amount of direct heat pipes to the amount of fans there are.

High end coolers from the most reliable gtx 970s:
Asus: Strix
Gigabyte: G1
Msi: Gaming

Just get the cheapest from those three.
Evga's ACX 2.0 is also great if you can find it much cheaper than those three


I feel that ASUS STRIX is the best GTX 970 .I bought it a few weeks ago and its performance is amazing.
It has higher clock speed than other GTX 970's. Its 30 % cooler and is really silent
Also it much cheaper than some GTX 970's >

Trust me you will love Asus Strix GTX 970 😀

Review :

Buy :

Is there any noticeable difference due to the different power supply?

Could it be a problem?

Power Supply Unit = VERY IMPORTANT!!!

you must give your computer the required power to be able to get good performance
For my rig i5 4440, Asus Strix GTX 970, 8 GB RAM, and Asus z97 pro
I use 650 watts


Sorry i havent explained very well.
Im reffering to the connectors that the strix has, different to the msi/gygabyte ones.