Wich one ?


Jul 31, 2007
My dad needs a new desktop for his house, all he does is surf the net, some video,photo stuff,research, etc... His curent setup is so slow i want to cry eveytime i visit and have to use the thing. (10 min to power on)

Now if i lived any closer to him i'd build a custom one myself but since i'm too far away, he needs a ready to go box from a place he can get service. (he can't fix it himself)

There's no future shop around where he is, small town, but there's a staples, so which of these is the best deal ?


I myself think this one should do if he can bump the ram to 4gig: http://www.staples.ca/ENG/Catalog/cat_class.asp?CatIds=83%2C84&name=CA%5FCL%5FDesktops

Bad grafics but he doesn't game anyway.

What do you guys think ?
Well if building isnt a option, thats too bad.
Its always easy to build one.
Anyways, are there any bestbuys near there?
Or your better off orderings Computers on the internet.
Like Canadacomputers, DirectCanada, Newegg.ca (soon). believing that Futureshop is in Canada.
Out of those two though... http://www.staples.ca/ENG/Catalog/cat_sku.asp?CatIds=83%2C84,403&webid=737985&affixedcode=WW
That costs 800$, but if you made it yourself it would cost nearly 600$.
This being the best..
Can be built for 1000$<

item # 752257 is the one i think would do (with 4gigs not 3)

You're right about ordering online, much better deals at other online retailers but if the thing bugs down one day, he can't ship it for service and have no pc for weeks. When it comes to pc's, he wouldn't even take the side panel off lol

Thats why i was thinking of the one store he does have in town, i'm assuming they can fix it right there for him if something goes wrong.
I can ONLY view the item thats available in Ottawa. It might be different in your area. That item # takes me a HP for $699.95.

630i chipset? That is over 2 years old. I will pass on that. $700 is a ripoff.