So basically my Wifi got hacked. I noticed that a other mac address was attached to my router. I checked its log and I saw some P2P traffic. I immediately rebooted the router to stop it.
The next day I rang my ISP to explain what happened. They basically said there wasn't anything they could do to help me other than change the wifi password. thought to myself dam i'm all alone on this one. They reassured me if I get a letter though the door for copy right infringement they will back me up since all telephone calls are recorded.
So I am in the situation where I dare not switch on WIFI else get hacked by someone trying to hijack my connection and download torrents on my line.
Is there anything I can do?
Is there anything I can do if I get a letter of copyright infringment?
The next day I rang my ISP to explain what happened. They basically said there wasn't anything they could do to help me other than change the wifi password. thought to myself dam i'm all alone on this one. They reassured me if I get a letter though the door for copy right infringement they will back me up since all telephone calls are recorded.
So I am in the situation where I dare not switch on WIFI else get hacked by someone trying to hijack my connection and download torrents on my line.
Is there anything I can do?
Is there anything I can do if I get a letter of copyright infringment?