Hello I've been going all over the web for a solution if there is one, I currently have a Asus Z370-E Gaming mother board and it comes with AC WiFi.
I already have Ethernet going to this computer so was wondering if I could turn the onboard wifi on my motherboard into a hotspot for my phone and other things.
I've done CMD and seen my Hosted Network Support is No, But I've seen here and there people can turn it on.. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if this is possible,
Thank you in advance.
I already have Ethernet going to this computer so was wondering if I could turn the onboard wifi on my motherboard into a hotspot for my phone and other things.
I've done CMD and seen my Hosted Network Support is No, But I've seen here and there people can turn it on.. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if this is possible,
Thank you in advance.