WiFi Really slow when someone is using YouTube application in phone/tablet


Nov 4, 2016
When I am playing Minecraft / Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Ghost, Advanced Warfare and Battlefield 4 in my PC and PS3, I always lag or not able to play the game when someone is using YouTube in their tablet or phone.
I am having an average of 1.4 MBps download and 1.1 MBps upload speed when nobody's using it. If I ask them to turn off their phone or tablet, I can really really play smoothly without any problems. My brother is an annoying guy, so I can't ask him to stop watching videos. They always watch in 360p or 480p.
Please someone help me? Next week I am having exams and after exams I want to play without hassle

Thank you

When I am playing online games while somebody is watching youtube, I'm lagging. But when I use youtube while he watch youtube EVEN at 720p, there are no worries.