Will 60 fps look bad at 144 hz?


Mar 27, 2013
I've just ordered a new 144 hz screen. My question is, will 60 fps look worse at a 144 hz screen than on a 60 hz screen? or will there be no difference?
You may see some tearing(partial frames rendered.).

If this is an issue, try to set the refresh rate to 60 in the game as this will tell the screen to only run at 60hz.

You will only want to do this on games you can not get 144(or even 120 if you set a refresh of 120) on.

The quality of running 60hz will partially depend on the screen it self.
You may see some tearing(partial frames rendered.).

If this is an issue, try to set the refresh rate to 60 in the game as this will tell the screen to only run at 60hz.

You will only want to do this on games you can not get 144(or even 120 if you set a refresh of 120) on.

The quality of running 60hz will partially depend on the screen it self.
A 144hz monitor has different sweet spots than 60 or 120hz monitors.
24, 36, 48, 72 and 144 are the sweet spots for a 144hz monitor.
24, 30, 40, 60 and 120 are the sweet spots for a 120hz monitor.

If you try to maintain 60 FPS with v-sync, you'll find it is worse than on a 60hz monitor, but 48 and 72 are better. That said, you can adjust the hz of the monitor to what ever your needs are.
Thanks allot guys, realy helping me out.

Off topic question, kind of an odd one too, hope you dont mind. I need a new table, and the one i am looking at is only 60 cm in depth, will (-)60 cm be to close to the screen? Dont want to turn my head when playing ^^ Is there any rule of thumb regarding this matter?
LCD screens do not create large magnetic fields like old CRT screens and even those did not hurt a computer when sitting right next to it(I had a system sit with a CRT tv on one side and a CRT monitor on the other side without issues. Well the tv flickered a bit when the monitor powered up).

Are you planning to sit the PC sideways behind the screen? many people do it without an issues.

Get a table where you can take out a "drawer" for the keyboard and mouse. This will give you a better distance to the screen but won't take up too much space when your not at the computer... if I understand your problem correctly.

I am planning on having the PC on the floor :)

I think you might have misunderstood the question tho. I was talking about watching the screen from only 60 cm away, if i would have to turn my head (instead of only my eyes) to look from one side of the screen to the other.
How close you sit to the monitor, and how comfortable it feels to you depends about how big the screen you are looking at is.

That said, 60cm is a bit tight, though I am currently using a 27" monitor using exactly that much space.

In 3D Vision, I even pull it closer to me. Though it causes a little more light bleed, the immersion factor is much higher.

Oh, i was sure that i mentioned it is a 24" screen :)

Sweet! :)

Could you explain the sweet spots? I have a 120 hz screen and wasn't aware of this - So if I can't achieve close to 120 in-game, I should set refresh to 60? Or am I better off turning on VSync?

If I force Hz refresh rate in control panel, will that over-ride a game's Hz settings? And what if the game does not offer a Hz setting?

The sweet spots are numbers that divide evenly into the screens refresh rate.

So 72 is half the screens refresh so page tearing is less likely, but can still happen with vsync off. 60 is not as nice for a 144hz screen because it will guarantee page tearing for sure.

Some users do not even see the page tear issue so it may or may not effect you. If you can not keep 120 you can try vsync on and it may auto drop to 60 to keep things in sync. The 144hz screen with v-sync may get dropped to 72. I say may because if a game uses triple buffering, it will not behave this way.

Yes, control panel settings should effect games.

You can play with settings and find what works best for you.
What he said.

If you don't use v-sync, it really doesn't matter. Those sweet spots are more of an issue with v-sync on. I personally think having 72hz evenly divide into your monitors refresh rate to be great. My 120hz monitor rarely can achieve 120 FPS in new games, but 72 FPS is quite doable almost all the time.