Will a bridge connection work?


Jul 9, 2015
I just built a gaming desktop, and I've come to the step of setting up the internet. I have a family desktop downstairs, which is connected to the modem and the wireless router. I've tried to bring the router up to my new desktop, and set it up there, but it says that I'm connected, but it doesn't have an internet connection. Then I realized that the modem isn't wireless, just wired. So my plan is to buy a second router for upstairs to create a wireless bridge to connect to the router downstairs to get internet. My question is will this work, or am I completely off track?
You could but if you areo nly going to connect your PC to it, just get a wireless card for your PC instead of another router. You only want to set up a wireless bridge if you want to second router to be able to feed out the internet to it's 4 ports. If you just want your PC to have internet, get a wireless card.

With that said, wireless has limits. You may or may not get a good connection. Do you have a cell phone or tablet or anything wireless. How is the connection in the room you want your PC in to see how well of a connection you get.

If you do the wireless card route, don't cheap and get a $5 USB wireless dongle and expect much. Getting a good PCI express card is much better.
Thanks for responding! But I think I'll go with a router because I dont have a lot of money, and I was thinking of connecting my PS3 to the router. And to answer your question, I get about 3 bars in my room, so its still pretty fast.