Will a DDR3 Graphics card work with a M2N68-LA Motherboard?


Jun 11, 2015
I have a HP Pavilion Desktop that I would like to use to store music, pictures etc. I would like to connect it to my main TV for occasional use. My TV does not come with a VGA connection so I am looking into installing a graphics card with HDMI capabilities into the Desktop to solve this problem.

Will a DDR3 graphics card work on this Motherboard or am I limited to only DDR2 Graphics cards?

Thanks in advance for any and all help!
HP decided to save a few dollars per machine and used non-standard power supplies. And the customer who decides they want to upgrade the computer is the one that gets screwed.

Now on to the video card you want to buy. It's been a very long time since I have seen one of these... Nvidia Geforce 405 512mb Workstation Graphics Card DVI and HDMI Output Low Profile Bracket, New - OEM bulk packaging - OEM...

Maximum Graphics Card Power (W) 25 W

You might, maybe, be able to use this card without upgrading the power supply since it draws so little power. I cannot promise that it will work since I do not know how much power the rest of your system is using, nor the amount of power the power supply can handle. But for $25 (the price they are...
HP has a track record of using these itty bitty power supplies that are not standard sized, and which you most likely will not be able to upgrade. And power supplies they use only supply almost exactly the amount of power the system needed to function. So the minute you drop a new discrete video card into it, and kick it into 3D mode, the power supply will shutdown the system to protect itself.

I am not an HP fan, and have not been for a very long time.

It is the HP Pavilion a6230n


I was looking at some of those adapters and what I came across was that it would only send information from HDMI to DVI and not the other way around. If you can in fact send data from the DVI connection on the desktop to the HDMI connection on the TV that would be an easy solution for me :)

Would you have a link I could follow to purchase one of these adapters if this is the case?

It is close. My motherboard is the NARRA 2 variant.
On the following link is the motherboard in question and all other specs of the computer.
The only modification I have made is a 1 Tb hard drive

Right now I do not have a specific GPU in mind. I am now or less testing the waters to determine what will work. Although the bare minimum would be totally acceptable. I won't be gaming or editing video on this platform so as long as I am able to connect to the TV without any problems I am satisfied! lol

My PSU is 300W. This appears to be the same type of scenario. I am not sure the allowance I have with the PSU but I know it will be TIGHT...

If there isn't much more allowance with my current PSU then so be it. I'll bite the bullet on this one and try to find an adapter although I truly hate the idea of going down that route lol
HP decided to save a few dollars per machine and used non-standard power supplies. And the customer who decides they want to upgrade the computer is the one that gets screwed.

Now on to the video card you want to buy. It's been a very long time since I have seen one of these... Nvidia Geforce 405 512mb Workstation Graphics Card DVI and HDMI Output Low Profile Bracket, New - OEM bulk packaging - OEM...

Maximum Graphics Card Power (W) 25 W

You might, maybe, be able to use this card without upgrading the power supply since it draws so little power. I cannot promise that it will work since I do not know how much power the rest of your system is using, nor the amount of power the power supply can handle. But for $25 (the price they are on Amazon.com), I think it would be worth trying.

The passive adapters simply patches pairs 0/1/2 from the DVI connector to pairs 0/1/2 on the HDMI connector, along with the DCI wires, power and ground. It is just dumb direct pin re-mapping - same signals, just a different connector. They should work fine either way.

I've double checked and my computer does not come with a DVI port. Although that opens up some other options. If the Graphics card I am considering doesn't work I can look into a card that has a DVI port instead. This may open up some options as far as GPU within the allowed power requirements.

I appreciate the help in this matter!
I'm going to order the graphic card I had previously mentioned. I appreciate all the help and support I have received from you guys! I'll update as to whether or not it works after I give it a try!

Thank you again!