Will a FX-4300 bottleneck a GTX 1050?


Aug 31, 2017
Hello, everyone! So recently i thought about getting a GTX 1050 (Not Ti). Problem is, my CPU is an FX-4300. It's 3.80Ghz, and i don't plan on overclocking since i don't trust myself with it. Anyway, i can't afford to get a new CPU now but i really wanted to change my GPU since my GPU is really old (It's an HD5770). So i thought about buying a new GTX 1050 but i wanted to know: Will there be a lot of bottlenecking with my fx 4300?

Obviously i will be using it for gaming but i don't play on 1080p, i still prefer to stick for 720p and 60fps, but i see no problem with 30 too. Anyway, will i have any problem with it?

Oh, and my PSU is a Corsair CX550, if it helps with something.

Thanks in advance!
an fx 4300 can run doom & overwatch at 80+fps easily.

What you have on the nvidia card is adaptive or fast sync vsyncing - set your desktop refresh to 60htz ,enable adaptive sync in nvidia settings,enable vsync in game & you will get smooth fps irregardless of whether it drops below 60 fps or not.

Its a feature you dont have on your current amd card.
If you currently use vsync on that card then a drop below 60fps will drop straight to 50fps (50htz), below 50fps will drop straight to 30fps(30htz) ,below 30fps it will drop straight to 24fps (24htz)

The nvidia card will frop in increments of 1fps if it cant keep upto 60fps,down to 45fps or so you wont even notice it.

A gtx 1050 is a vary good pairing with that 4300 if youre happy...

Even if there was a bit of bottlenecking i would see no problem with it. I just wanted to know if it wouldn't be bad
well in some scenarious (more cpu intense games , or bigger multiplayer battles) you will notice cpu limitations
but generally it is worth it to upgrade your old GPU , you will get a lot better gaming experience overall .

for cards like gtx 1060 or rx 570 your cpu would not be sufficient ,
but you don´t need those cards for lower than 1080p resolution anyway because it would be waste of money
gtx 1050 is just about right for the rest of your system when it comes to brand new cards .
also make sure you have at least 8gb of ram in your system . 4gb is just not enough anymore ...

Yes, i do have 16GB of ram. But wait, you said that my cpu would no be sufficient for the GTX 1060? I know i said 1050 but are they that far from each other in performance for my cpu to be acceptable for the 1050 and not sufficient for the 1060? Sorry, i don't know much about these cards.

I see, thanks. So, considering everything, do you think i should get the 1050 or some other card? I don't think i'll be changing my CPU any time soon so i just want to be sure.
What are your expectations? Your cpu is below the minimum recommend for many of the latest AAA games so you cannot expect 60fps regardless of which gpu & settings you use. I'd be surprised if you cannot average 30 or above though.

Older or less cpu heavy games 60fps should be achievable with the right game settings for your gpu/resolution choice.

As i said before, i expect to play the games at 720p. I expect to play most of them on medium or maybe even high. I never use stuff like FXAA, filters, antialiasing, stuff like that. I don't want some very high end PC or anything. I just want to be able to play most newer games on medium or maybe even low depending on the game at 720p and 60 fps. Games like Overwatch, Fallout 4, Rainbow six siege, Doom, you get the idea.
Lower resolution and lowering most game settings has negligible impact on cpu requirement. You still won't achieve 60fps average in most/all the games you list. This is why I mentioned it, I think your expectations are off and you may end up disappointed that a new gpu does not give you the fps you wanted.

Would you recommend i buy another card instead?
buying lower end brand new cards is useless and it doesn´t make much sense
since by buying anything below gtx 1050/ rx 560 you are giving up a lot of performance to save (literally) a few dollars ...
so either buy one of those or some second hand gtx 950 or amd 265/370 .

even if in some cases your cpu will be a bottleneck ,
you will still get much better overall gaming experience than you had with your old 5770 and that is a fact ...

Oh, i forgot to ask you something: I don't know enough about how bottlenecking works, but lets say there is a game that i can't run on ultra at 60 fps with my fx 4300 and a 1050. Would lowering the settings increase fps? Because if it's my CPU that's bottlenecking the system, doesn't that mean that lowering the settings won't give me a better performance at all? That's what i'm worrying. For example: Currently, i can play overwatch in this old hd5770 on low settings fine on 60 fps. I saw some videos on youtube about people using the FX-4300 with a GTX 1050 and they could run the same game on ultra. However, the framerate was dropping to 50. Usually when that happens you would simply lower the settings to get a better performance but since my CPU would be a bottleneck doesn't that mean that lowering the settings won't give me better performance at all? Since the gpu is not working on it's full potential, i mean...

It can be pretty complicated to understand at first. Basically, the FX-4300 won't be able to process more than 30-35 fps in some games, regardless of which graphics setting you choose.

Now the GPU, which might be able to do 50-60 fps at medium settings won't be allowed to run at 50-60 fps because the FX-4300 can only process 30-35 fps.

What you *could* do is increase the graphics to a setting where the GTX 1050 will also not be able to do more than 30-35 fps, to get the most out of your GPU power anyway.
in games that are cpu intense lowering the settings won´t help you much
since cpu will still be the main problem ...

but games where gpu will run to its limits and cpu is not fully used
you will be able to get better performance by lowering the settings .

so basically in games where fx4300 will do fine and cpu bottleneck won´t be a factor
gtx 1050 will do much better than 5770 and you will be able to play those games at higher presets

you can check out the benchmarks of the games you will play the most
and see if they are more cpu or more gpu intense and what to expect from your hardware .
an fx 4300 can run doom & overwatch at 80+fps easily.

What you have on the nvidia card is adaptive or fast sync vsyncing - set your desktop refresh to 60htz ,enable adaptive sync in nvidia settings,enable vsync in game & you will get smooth fps irregardless of whether it drops below 60 fps or not.

Its a feature you dont have on your current amd card.
If you currently use vsync on that card then a drop below 60fps will drop straight to 50fps (50htz), below 50fps will drop straight to 30fps(30htz) ,below 30fps it will drop straight to 24fps (24htz)

The nvidia card will frop in increments of 1fps if it cant keep upto 60fps,down to 45fps or so you wont even notice it.

A gtx 1050 is a vary good pairing with that 4300 if youre happy playing at 720p,youll be able to do at least high & maybe ultra settings most of the time.


Not really, and again, not really. Most games force double buffered V-Sync nowadays rather than triple-buffered sparse vsync which causes those said drops by refresh rate. With an AMD card and V-Sync enabled in pretty much any relatively modern game (2012+), you'll drop in FPS by 1fps, rather than by refresh rate. This is really not an Nvidia exclusive feature.

And at the same time, at least in my experience of using quad core processors (I've never used an 8-threaded one or better, they might handle FPS-drops more smoothly), each FPS dropped below 60 is comfortably noticable. It is not a wonder-medicine like FreeSync and G-Sync can be, and even with those adaptive sync features It's still noticable.

Lowering the resolution won't help the CPU much, and the GTX 1050 can handle 1080p decently enough. Not sure I'd even think about lowering the resolution from 1080p to 720p with such a setup.

The comments regarding vsync relate to the op's actual card,that old 5770 does not support the new dynamic sync option in crimson drivers,& doesnt support triple buffering in doom either (not sure about the rest) .

The older adaptive sync option in nvidia is better than triple buffering imo (which I think the new fast sync option forces on by default)
Guys.. I've been thinking. I read around the internet that the rx 460 would be a good match for my FX. Now i'm wondering: Should i get the RX 460 instead and (apparently) get no bottleneck or stick to the 1050? Like i've said before my GPU is a HD 5770. It's pretty old so i though that getting a 1050 would help a lot. What makes me doubt it is the bottleneck. I mentioned earlier that on the HD5770 overwatch, for example, works just fine at 60fps at low. I saw some videos on Youtube of overwatch running on a fx-4300 and a 1050 and although it was on ultra and 1080p it was running at around 50 fps. What i don't know is if i lower the settings i could get 60fps again or it would still be 50 like in the video because of the CPU bottleneck. What would you guys suggest i do? Should i get the 1050 anyway or get another weaker card but that doesn't bottleneck this cpu?

Oh, and guys, i'm not sure if it means anything but i am talking about the 2GB version of the 1050. not the 4GB one!
Thanks for the help,everyone!

A bottleneck doesnt work like that mate.
It cant actually reduce what youre getting fps wise now with your old 5770 ,you will get at least the same fps or higher than you have now but will be able to increase graphics quality or resolution or more likely both.

The 50fps youre seeing in that youtube video will be down to running graphics settings that are too high for the gpu to maintain.


Oh, thank god, then. What you said makes sense. I should get the same performance as my current gpu on worse case scenario or better performance, right?

I might even change this FX in a months or a year. But if i change this hd 5770 for a 1050, is it really not possible for me to actually get a worse performance? It's because im afraid of getting an worse performance with the CPU being too weak for the 1050. I'm not even sure if that's possible but i wanted to ask to be sure.

Really? Then should i get the GTX anyway? I mean, the card will be great for me considering that i pretend to change the CPU in a few months. What makes me hesitate was thinking that it could get me worse performance with my current CPU. In fact, i still love my old 5770. So anything better than it would be good. I was just afraid of getting the 1050 and my system becoming unstable and in fact getting even worse performance.

Stupid question: An FX 4300 doesn't bottleneck an HD5770, right? So, if anything, i'll be getting better performance, right?So if that's thecase, should i still go for the 1050 or do you guys think i should choose another card?
Take the GTX 1050 or RX 460/560 (Whatever is priced better where you live) and upgrade the CPU to an FX-8300/8320/8320E if you can find any of those for a good price.

Bottleneck just means that at some point you won't notice an improvement anymore even when you upgrade to something better. The FX-4300 can handle more than a HD 5770, which means you'll notice an improvement with a GPU like the GTX 1050.