Will a Pentium G3220 Bottleneck a GTX 760 4GB SC?


Nov 10, 2013
Hey guys as the question states I am simply asking if this processor will bottleneck a GTX 760 4GB Superclocked Edition from EVGA. I am building a mini-itx budget build and do not currently have the money for a better CPU. When I get the money I will upgrade. Here is the GPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130949. Here is the CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116950. Thanks in advance.

Ok. Well when you do upgrade the CPU then an i5 or i7 would sort out the bottleneck issue. But with the one you posted a bottleneck will most likely occur. Anyway. I guess that if you are planning on upgrading the CPU then the question is pointless

Yes but not very intensive and like I said I will be upgrading later on once I get the money.

Ok. Well when you do upgrade the CPU then an i5 or i7 would sort out the bottleneck issue. But with the one you posted a bottleneck will most likely occur. Anyway. I guess that if you are planning on upgrading the CPU then the question is pointless