Will a System with a CPU, not on CPU Manufacturer Support List, work?


May 14, 2009
It's a Shuttle SK22G2 V2 barebones system.

It uses an AMD motherboard with a:

CHIPSET -- VIA K8M890CE + 8237R

Will the system work with a CPU not on the support list?

Here's the support list:


Here's the list of the CPU's available for it from Newegg:


I Wanted to Buy a CPU with the BEST PERFORMANCE to LOWEST WATTAGE ratio.

However, do you think it will be supported if the CPU is not on the Newegg list?

Any experience with other systems or motherboards that run CPU's not listed on the maker's support list, will be appreciated.
as long as it's the same type and generation i have never had a problem running anything on anything. I never look at cpu or memory lists, i just check the specs if it matches i go. No probs in many years, but i have heard of people having probs.

imho i think a lot of the probs are operator error
your good to go bud, my T platform 8100 C2D can be upgraded to the P platform 9xxx series, although initiallly that series had not been listed as compatible... because it wasnt out yet. It is the same socket, and fsb... are compatible. many times these lists are not kept updated... memory lists are more than cpu lists, because of the CPU being more dynamic in production than memory
I'll probably go with the AMD AM2 CPU made with the Brisbane core since the list has them listed on earlier models.

The AMD Athlon 5600 Brisbane 2.9GHz sounds like the best.