i was going to order https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gamemax-Velocity-Coolers-Radiators-Controller/dp/B07X8QHLGG/ref=sr_1_18? crid=3CR0ZY4RRZ031&keywords=fan+set+argb+pc+120mm&qid=1642133981&sprefix=fan+set+argb+pc+120mm%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-18
Is it possible to sync with CORSAIR ICUE to match my ram or to sync with some sort of software or not? i know you can use the remote but wondering if you can control it on pc with a ASROCK A320 HDV R3.0 mobo will it work ?
Is it possible to sync with CORSAIR ICUE to match my ram or to sync with some sort of software or not? i know you can use the remote but wondering if you can control it on pc with a ASROCK A320 HDV R3.0 mobo will it work ?