Will an AMD II 550 BE bottle neck a 570 gtx?

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Aug 3, 2009

I was looking at the GTX 570 for a while and I am finally thinking about getting it to upgrade from my HD 4850 (it has to retire sometime), and was thinking to get it now rather than wait for the AMD 7xxx series (good or bad? :sweat: ), and I came across the thought of bottlenecking.

So pretty much, how much will a stock Phenom II 550 BE @ 3.1 Ghz bottleneck a GTX 570. I am planning to upgrade to a i5-2500 early next year but that is ways off for now, what do you guys think? :)
Have you tried OC the 550? 4 ghz is pretty normal. Some games which do not use more than 2 cores, you wont see much bottleneck, but newer games, you definitely be seeing huge bottlenecks. Have you tried to unlock cores? Either way, either OC or unlocking cores, one of the two is a must to avoid bottlenecks.
I tried unlocking the cores, but this one sadly seems like an actual defective quad. Hm, I am guessing that is on third party air cooler? Because I am hesitant to go that high on a stock cooler. What OC would be doable with a stock cooler?
Firstly, ulocking cores would yield better results than OC. When you tried unlocking cores, did you try to unlock all four cores at once? Assuming this is what shows in you bios:
Core 0: On
Core 1: On
Core 2: Disabled
Core 3: Disabled
Try unlocking only one core at a time. It may happen, core 2 is faulty but core 3 isnt. So, you may still get a tri-core, which is way better than a dual core.

If, it is indeed just a dual core, you can OC it to 3.8ghz with the stock one w\o even bumping the voltage. Its easty and relatively safe to OC a black edition CPU. Just increase the multiplier and see, upto what level the cpu is stable. 3.6ghz is the minimum, i would say. What games you planning to play? If you got a decent am3 motherboard, i would rather get a 6950 and amd 955 cpu. Well, since you say, the i5 is way off for now. My guess is 6-10 months away?Admittedly, 6950 isnt a huge huge improvement over 4850, but you will see massive increase, with change of cpu+card both(and at the same price).Another good thing about this option is, when its time for the i5, you can crossfire it with another 6950 and get much much more performance than a single 570 would give. Think about it. :)
I am just about to buy two new gpu's to go with an os upgrade and a boot drive upgrade for BF3. I'm sorry if I shouldn't be jumping on here, but I read this and hadn't run across the bottle necking issue before. What is it that causes the bottleneck? I have a q9450 (quad core but not i series) and an evga 790i ultra board. With the cost of a new ssd, two new gpu's and a new os, I don't plan on changing the board or cpu soon.


start your own thread instead of hijacking anothers, and we will be glad to answer your questions :)
Will an AMD II 550 BE bottle neck a 570 gtx?

Who cares? :lol:

Even if you bottleneck 10-15% it can be overcome by over-clocking the CPU & NB. For the most part, nope, no worries, but in the few games that will stress 3-4 cores you will be held back.

If you are going to spend $300 on a video card and are worried about needing more cores, PhII quads pop up every week around $115. With a GTX570, a PhII quad will be a potent combination that will play everything quite well for the next few years.
Now days buying dual core cpus is usually meant for low end and low cost rigs but for gaming well that dead horse has been beaten enough lol. Stay away from 140w edition cpus as they tend to be the worst when it comes to overclocking and cooling. One reason is that most boards struggle to even reach 140w and when nuked most of the remaining boards are quickly maxed out. 125w is slightly better and will reach slightly higher clocks but 95w is the best all the way around. You won't need a $75 cooler to keep them stable and can easily pass 4ghz with ease.

If you are not into overclocking any with a high stock clock even if it be a 140w might be the best choice. As for the p2 x4 955 black it is a good choice.
Well. I could then upgrade to the i5 now and get the new graphics card later (January/February). Would I see more of a performance boost from a:

i5 2500(not k version) + HD 4850
Ph 550 + GTX 570

coming from a Ph 550 + HD 4850?
depends what games your playing, but in bf3 id say yes, buy the 2500k, and overclock both it and the 4850, as a stopgap could you get another 4850 from smewhere and crossfire em, i imagine you can pick up a used 4850 pretty cheap now
Isn't the 5970 a dual GPU solution since they only switched their naming system recently?

Also, the last link makes me think I should upgrade to GTX 570 now, and get the processor upgrade next year January/February because in most games that aren't using 4 cores, the performance increase isn't that huge going from 550 - > i7 920 OC with the same gpu.

Does BF 3 use CPU more than the GPU?

Games I play/intend to play:
Batman Arkham Asylum/City
Assassin's Creed
Battlefield 3
Fifa 12
Modern Warfare 3

Resolution: 1920 x 1080 is the max, so probably that :)

I think you have pretty much nailed the issue that is the real one at hand here and that is the core count. I don't know if the games you listed would greatly benefit from more cores but my gut feeling is that they would. You only have to look at the GTA 4 results to see what kind of restriction (bottleneck) could potentially be happening.
Personally im looking at upgrading a 555BE which can unlock to 3 cores and I only plan to get a X4 955 BE.
No platform change just a new CPU and cooler. Looking at the results its a no brainier really.

Mactronix :)
@Kill4lyfe, Batman and BF3 should need more GPU than other games you listed, but idk anything about Skyrim. IMO you should wait till the HD7000/GTX600s come out (probably in December) and get a 2500k with a new GPU, it may be cheaper then...
Well thanks guys, I think I will wait until the next year and see what AMD/Nvidia have planned and then buy what I need. I wish I could select more than one answer because pretty much everyone who posted helped. Thanks :)
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