Will an I5 3470 bottleneck a GTX 960


Jan 25, 2016
I have an I5 3470 that runs at 3.2ghz and I am wondering if I should upgrade my GPU. Also I currently have an HD 7870 that only runs at 40% usage while gaming even though I have seen multiple threads saying that it wont bottleneck can I fix this or do I just throw all my money at a 960

My spec:
I5 3470 :stock cooler
radeon sapphire HD 7870 Ghz ed
8Gb ddr3 G.skill ripjaws
500w PSU
gigabyte motherboard

I am changing because like stated above my HD 7870 only runs at 40% and gives me really terrible frame rates (also thank you for replying so quickly)

How are your temps? Your card should be running at 100% unless you have your frame rate limited.

I do not have my frame rate limited this happens in every game that I play. My CPU in the summer goes up to a maximum of 69 degrees on its hottest core and my GPU gets to a few degrees over 70 (Celsius) are any of these abnormally high?

Those temps are fine, have you tried a Display Driver Uninstaller reinstall of your drivers? What make/model is your PSU?

Yes I have tried reinstalling my drivers, along with a few reinstall of windows in my frustration. After opening my case I have discovered that I have a 500 watt PSU (Cooler master RS-500-PCAR-13) Also yes I have set windows to performance mode.

Do you have a different, suitable PSU to try?
There may be programs running and eating up the CPU resulting in poor performance. Try disabling some programs from starting up and see if that helps any. Also it could be a virus causing that. Your power supply is less than desirable too which might be causing the problem too.

Thanks for your help but sadly other programs are not case as even after a clean install of windows with nothing but required drivers and afterburner.

Unfortunately I do not have any other PSU's to try as every other PC available to me is 6+ years old or a laptop. Is there any well known program that can work out if it is the PSU or any other way to find out for that matter? Also what PSU's are recommended on a smal budget?

The first thing I'd recommend is checking the voltages in the BIOS, they should be displayed somewhere on the first page. What kind of budget are you thinking?

Here is what I found in the bios that had voltage readings
Dram 1.512V
Vcore 1.080V

+3.3V 3.423V
+12V 12.096V

Is it possible that my games don't run at what the benchmarks I see online because my CPU is to weak? also I am looking to spend up to 130NZD or 84USD if the power supply is the problem.

Your CPU barely bottlenecks even the highest performance cards out there, it's completely fine for your card. I really don't know on this one, if it's not temps or something running on your system hogging resources, I begin to think the components aren't getting enough power.