Will everything in this build fit?


Aug 1, 2016
Hello guys, I want to check with some people on this forum whether everything in my build would fit (measurements etc, this mostly depends on the case but as far as I know everything fits but I need somebody else to check too to see whether I'm actually correct).

This is the build:
Motherboard: Gigabyte H81M-S2H
CPU: Intel Core i7 4790 @ 3.60 GHz (4.00 Turbo)
CPU Cooler: Hyper 212X Evo
RAM: Corsair VengeanceLP 2X8GB @ 1666MHz
HDD: 1TB Seagate
Case: Galaxy Evo (I might be getting an S340 after a few days of the build finishing, but I want to check whether everything will fit in the Galaxy Evo).

I'm just scared that the graphics card won't fit or anything like that within the Galaxy Evo case.

Thank you!
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I've never used NewEgg so idk if it's good or not.

Newegg is the best there is. I buy every part from them and never have issues. They also have great customer support and free shipping.