will fury x and fury work togather in crossfire?


Jun 2, 2014
I have a sappire fury now, and saw the xfx fury x on newegg is cheaper than the fury. I want to crossfire since getting my new mg279q monitor im having issues with FPS in doom at max specs.

Thought this would give me the boost I need to get the FPS up more.
If I remember correctly, one is water cooled, and the other is not. Other than that, the GPU itself is the same. The faster GPU (the watercooled one will have to slow down to the air cooled ones speed, but I highly suspect that they will crossfire just fine. Just make sure you buy it where you can return it so that if they do refuse to crossfire that you can return it,

If the Sapphire card you have now is a custom card (non-reference), then it probably will only crossfire with another saphire card, and probably only with the same model card. Once you gey away from the reference cards, they can put almost any restrictions they want on crossfire functioning.
I'm not certain, but here is a report that claims the Nano can crossfire with either the fury of fury X: http://www.tweaktown.com/news/47447/amds-super-small-radeon-r9-nano-used-crossfire-fury/index.html

Well, we just so happened to throw our R9 Nano into our system and straight away went to GPU-z, which said it was an 'AMD Radeon R9 Fury series' video card. But what happens when you throw in the full-blown Radeon R9 Fury X in? It works in Crossfire with the R9 Nano, that's what. The same goes for the normal R9 Fury, which also works in Crossfire with the super-small R9 Nano.

If the Nano can CF with the Fury or the Fury X, the Fury and Fury X should also CF.
There are pretty decent differences between each of these cards.

The FuryX is the full 64CU card

The Fury is the 56CU card

The Nano is the 64CU card

Which means the Nano and FuryX might Crossfire, but the Fury and FuryX are completely different silicone.
Same silicon. Some CU's are disabled though on the Fury card. Basically, its silicon that failed testing as a 64CU card, but passed as a 56CU card. So they got money for a mostly good GPU. It is what they do these days to make a profit, or lessen their losses.

In the past, AMD never required identical cards. They just had to have the same chip, cut down or not. So 7970s could CF with 7950's. 5870's CF'ed with 5990's, 5850's and 5830's.

The Nano, according to the link, will CF with both the Fury and Fury X, and since the Nano is a Fury X at lower clocks, that should mean all 3 can CF in any combo. After all, like all the previous AMD cards, they have the same chip, the Fury just is a cut down version.

Nvidia, on the other hand, does require the same model.

Unfortunately, AMD's CF chart isn't up to date and does not include Fury's in any form, but the report said they will.