Will grease from cooking ruin my build?

Mar 31, 2018
Okay, so I've decided in investing a big portion of my life savings into building a high-end gaming computer. I live by myself, and wanted to place it in the living room as it is the most logical solution in regards to space, showcasing to friends etc.

However, my living room and kitchen have a big doorway with no door connecting them, and my kitchen fan is terrible, so a lot of smoke often covers my kitchen and living room (the bedroom door is closed) during, and after making food. I always cook with my kitchen/living room windows open to get the optimal airflow to air it out, but the process can take some time, especially in the summer.

This is pretty much how it looks

Therefore, I was wondering if the grease build-up would over time harm my components, or if it would just be caught in the dust filter on the computer.

Would it be better to have the rig placed in my bedroom? (Even though the dust builds up faster in the bedroom).
dones't kill pc in one shot, for sure.
Overtime, pc will become very difficult to clean, but your computer should still work for most of the part. most of your electrical connection is not exposed,
3 things where i can think of at the moment.
it dies over time as
oil/dust become conductive and starts shorting out components,
oil build ups will also slowly corrode your electrical components causing it to fail.,
oil build ups will slowly worsen your thermals too.

Okay, so what would be the best kind of scenario for ensuring the longevity of my rig - placing it where it's drawn at the picture, with a fan standing in the doorway pointing towards an open kitchen window when making food, OR place it in the bedroom where there'd be more dust, but it's safe from grease and smoke? (I smoke cigarettes indoors too, but only while standing by the living room window).
i had a very similar setup when i was living in an apartment with my parents, my mom would have her laptop near the doorway between kitchen and living room, what happen is that after few months, screen and keys got very oily and sticky.

i would say, best place is bedroom (inside)
if you can't i second best will be probably against wall between your living and bedroom, closer to the window side.
if you can put some kind of curtain between the kitchen and the living room i think it will be helpful too.