SkyNetRising :
That PSU should be able to support gtx750ti.
Ki____ :
I feel like gtx 750 ti is old. Do I need better GPU?
Your PC is actually very good and recent, it has a 4790 which is an absolute beast!

I personally would have recommended something like a 1070, but that seems to be out of your price range by quite a bit! ^.^
The 750ti is indeed a bit long in the tooth at this point, but is still a great card for light 60hz 1080p gaming like LoL.
if you want to max graphical stuff out at 1080p 60hz, go for the RX480.
The RX 480 has the power of a 970, and goes for $200 US in the 4GB versions which are low in stock at the moment due to high demand.
The 430w I mentioned above is good for this, although optimally you'd want to get a 144hz 1080p monitor, a 1070 and a 500w PSU to go with that beast of a processor, although I guess that's not an option.
Your options are:
1. Get the RX 480 and Seasonic 430w S12II Power Supply, getting a 144hz monitor if you want to.
(Big improvement over standard 60hz)
2. If only doing light gaming (CS:GO, LoL) get the same 430w power supply and the 750ti.
3. Save up and get the GTX 1070, and the same model PSU in a 520w configuration or the EVGA 750w B2 which currently has a $20 rebate in mail and is going for $1 cheaper. Both are great power supplies.
Later down the line after a bit of saving up get a 144hz monitor depending on what the prices are, typically around $200 entry level.
Even though it is a serious commitment, I really recommend getting the third option, saving up for a while before doing so. You can potentially grab the 750ti to tide you over with light gaming until then as well.
I don't want you to waste the large potential you have with that i7 processor, so that's my reasoning behind this.
If you're perfectly happy with 1080p gaming however, you can go for option 1 or 2 depending on what suits.
Please get back to me on these options, even though the third is very ambitious (I admit I got a bit delirious writing it.....
I want to know what is in your budget range, what your uses are, your potential financial situation will be over the next while and whether saving up is a good strategy for you.