Will I regret buy a 24" Monitor vs 27?

im my personal experience, 1080p looks best at desktop distances (<3') on 21"-24" monitors. on 27" monitors 1080p tends to start to look bad (when <3' away). now if you want to put your monitors a little further from your face then normal, 27" can look ok, but typically, when people start talking 27" monitor I start talking 1440p
I agree with the above post. A 27" monitor at 3' or less away from you is just too close/big and you can tell the difference between a 27" 1080p monitor and 24" 1080p monitor that close. That's why I ended up going with a 24" monitor for myself. You shouldn't have to be turning your head to see the sides/corners of the screen.

However, if you're going to be sitting a little farther away, 27" is totally fine.
I have had 24" 1080p and 27" 1080p before (Samsung SyncMaster 2494H and ViewSonic VX2770-SMH), and the latter was basically the reason for me to go 1440p on my next monitor instead.

Not only were pixels were noticeable, even the space between each pixel were subtly noticeable. So I'd advocate going for a 24" 1080p.

Also, since the screen is smaller, you are also a little less bound by TN, as smaller screen means smaller color/brightness shifts when sitting at the same distance from the scrnee.
Sounds good. Looking to get my hands on it and run some games.

Hopefully this Asus monitor is a good one. I was swapping between ASUS and BenQ.

We will see!
I currently have 3x 1080p 27" LG IPS screens in surround (almost borderless) and absolutely love them. I used to have 3x 24's and I would never go back. I'm in university right now so I do a lot of productivity work (word docs, excel spreadsheets, paper research etc) and I have no problems with the pixel density as compared to the 24's.

Although I will admit that after using my 13 inch 1080p laptop, the desktop screens are noticeably more pixelated 😉 I personally value the extra screen real estate much much more. As for gaming, you won't notice much of a difference in pixel density between the two, but the size will give you a massive boost in utility and fun.

However I will say that I'm using very high quality factory calibrated IPS screens (they have a decent response rate - but are absolutely worth it for photoshoping and video editing), so they look great just from the color and vibrance. If you get a low-end TN panel, the 27" might lose some of its appeal.